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Using a Card
A Card can be used to record still pictures.
Use genuine Card only.
ª Inserting a Card
Before inserting a Card, be sure to turn off the Movie
1 Open the Card Slot Cover (16).
2 While holding the Memory Card with its cut corner
facing right 1, insert it into the Card Slot
3 Close the Card Slot Cover (16) securely.
Removing the Card
Open the Card Slot Cover and press the centre of the Card
and then pull it straight out.
After removing the Card, close the Card Slot Cover.
The Movie Camera may be damaged if the Card is forced
out when the Card is fully inserted.
ª [ACCESS] Lamp (14)
While the Movie Camera is making an access to the Card
(reading, recording, playback, erasing or moving of images),
the [ACCESS] Lamp lights up.
While the [ACCESS] Lamp is on, never attempt to open the
Card Slot Cover, to pull out the Card, to turn off the Movie
Camera, or to switch the [TAPE/CARD/CARD MODE]
Selector. Such actions will damage the Card, cause loss of
recorded data and cause the Movie Camera to malfunction.
Recording on a Card
3 kinds of data can be recorded by selecting with the
(13). When recording
picture, slide the [TAPE/CARD/CARD MODE] Selector until
the [PICTURE] Indication 1 appears (Card Photoshot),
when recording moving picture, slide the
[TAPE/CARD/CARD MODE] Selector until the [MPEG4]
Indication 2 appears (MPEG4 Recording), when recording
voice, slide the [TAPE/CARD/CARD MODE] Selector until
the [VOICE] Indication 3 appears (Voice Recording).
If the [TAPE/CARD/CARD MODE] Selector (13) is set to
[CARD] with a Card inserted, the Movie Camera is
automatically turned off when you leave it for about
6 minutes without performing any recording.
When the [TAPE/CARD/CARD MODE] Selector
(13) is set
to [CARD], you cannot record to the Tape.
ª Card Photoshot
Still pictures can be recorded on the Memory Card from the
Movie Camera lens as well as from scenes that have already
been recorded on a cassette.
The size of images that are recorded using this Movie
Camera is approximately 3 million pixels, and recording of
images with a size that is larger than a million pixels is called
mega-pixel still-picture recording. Compared to images of
normal recording, images that are created by mega-pixel
still-picture recording can be printed out clear.
Recording from the Movie Camera Lens (CAMERA
1 Set the [TAPE/CARD/CARD MODE] Selector (13) to
2 Slide the [TAPE/CARD/CARD MODE] Selector (13) to
[CARD MODE] until the [PICTURE] Indication appears.
Remaining Number of Card Photoshot pictures 1
3 Centre the subject in the focus area 2 on the screen.
In Auto Focus Mode, the Focus Indication 3 is lighted
when the subject is in focus.
Green: getting the focus point
White: getting near to the focus point
4 Press the [PHOTO SHOT] Button (25).
The [ ] Indication lights up in red.
Concerning Low Light Shot
When recording dark scenes, set the [LOW LIGHT SHOT] of
the [CARD SETUP] Sub-Menu to [AUTO]. (When the shutter
speed is 1/25, Low Light Shot is activated, and the [4
Indication appears.)
When [AUTO] is set for Low Light Shot, the brightness of
the moving picture may suddenly be changed depending
on the scene to be shot.
When the Programme AE is set, Low Light Shot will not be
activated even when [LOW LIGHT SHOT] is set to [AUTO].
F 7
2 3
B5-B.book 31 ページ 2002年8月6日 火曜日 午前11時33分

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Andere handleiding(en) van Panasonic NVMX500EG

Panasonic NVMX500EG Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 63 pagina's

Panasonic NVMX500EG Gebruiksaanwijzing - English - 11 pagina's

Panasonic NVMX500EG Gebruiksaanwijzing - Français - 124 pagina's

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