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Using the RESET button
1 Open the LCD Monitor. (-13-)
2 Undo Grip Belt end 1 and pull Lens Cap
Cord 2 downward to loosen Grip Belt.
3 Use projection 3 on the Lens Cap to press
the [RESET] Button 4.
Explanation of Terms
ª Digital Video System
In a digital video system, images and sounds are
converted into digital signals and recorded on a
tape. This complete digital recording is capable of
recording and playback with minimal image and
sound deterioration.
In addition, it automatically records data, such as
Time Code and Date/Time, as digital signals.
Compatibility with S-VHS or VHS Cassettes
Because this Movie Camera employs a digital
system for recording image and sound data, it is
not compatible with conventional S-VHS or VHS
video equipment that employs an analog
recording system.
The size and shape of the Cassettes are also
Compatibility with Output Signals
Because AV signal output from the AV signal
output socket is analog (the same as
conventional video systems), this Movie Camera
can be connected with S-VHS or VHS video or a
TV for playback.
ª Focus
Auto Focus Adjustment
The Auto Focus System automatically moves
forward and backward the focusing lens inside
the Movie Camera to bring the subject into focus
so that the subject can be seen clearly.
However, the Auto Focus System does not
function properly for the following subjects or
under the following recording conditions.
Please use the Manual Focus Mode instead.
1) Recording a subject whose one end is
located closer to the Movie Camera and
the other end farther away from it
Because Auto Focus makes adjustments at
the centre of an image, it may be impossible
to focus on a subject that is located in both
foreground and background.
2) Recording a subject behind dirty or dusty
Because the focus is on the dirty glass, the
subject behind the glass will not be focused.
3) Recording a subject in dark surroundings
Because the light information that comes
through the lens decreases considerably,
the Movie Camera cannot focus correctly.
4) Recording a subject that is surrounded by
objects with glossy surfaces or by highly
reflective objects
Because the Movie Camera focuses on the
objects with glossy surfaces or on highly
reflective objects, the recording subject may
become blurry.
5) Recording a fast-moving subject
Because the focus lens-inside moves
mechanically, it cannot keep up with the
fast-moving subject.
6) Recording a subject with little contrast
Because the Movie Camera achieves focus
based upon the vertical lines of an image, a
subject with little contrast, such as a white
wall, may become blurry.
ª Time Code
Time Code signals are data that indicate time
measured in hours, minutes, seconds, and
frames (25 frames per second). If this data is
included in a recording, an address is assigned to
each image on the tape.
The Time Code is automatically recorded as a
part of the sub-code at each recording.
When a new (previously unrecorded) Cassette
is inserted, the Time Code automatically starts
from zero. If a recorded Cassette is inserted,
the Time Code picks up from the point where
the last scene was recorded. (In this case, when
the Cassette is inserted, the zero display
[0h00m00s00f] may appear, but the Time Code
starts from the previous value.)
The Time Code cannot be reset to zero.
Unless the Time Code is continuously recorded
from the beginning of a tape, accurate editing
may not be possible. To ensure that the Time
Code will be recorded with no breaks, we
recommend the use of the Blank Search
Function (
-20-) before recording a new scene.
15EGE-ENG.book 58 ページ 2004年2月9日 月曜日 午前11時10分

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Andere handleiding(en) van Panasonic NVGS8EG

Panasonic NVGS8EG Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 69 pagina's

Panasonic NVGS8EG Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch, Français - 134 pagina's

Panasonic NVGS8EG Gebruiksaanwijzing - Português, Espanõl, Dansk, Svenska - 248 pagina's

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