Pagina terug
Pagina verder
Information for your safety ................................... 2
Before using
Accessories.......................................................... 4
Optional................................................................ 4
Parts identification and handling .......................... 4
Fitting the lens cap .............................................. 6
The one-touch free-style grip belt ........................ 7
Using the LCD monitor......................................... 7
Using the viewfinder............................................. 8
Power supply ....................................................... 8
Charging time and recordable time ...................... 9
Inserting/removing a cassette ............................ 10
Inserting/removing a card .................................. 11
Turning the camera on....................................... 12
Selecting a mode ............................................... 12
How to use the joystick ...................................... 12
Switching the language ...................................... 14
Using the menu screen ...................................... 14
Setting date and time ......................................... 15
Adjusting LCD monitor/viewfinder...................... 15
Using the remote control.................................... 16
Free style remote control ................................... 17
Record mode
Check before recording...................................... 18
Recording on a tape........................................... 19
Recording still pictures on a card while
recording image onto a tape............................ 19
Check the recording........................................... 20
Blank search function......................................... 20
Recording still pictures onto a card
(Photoshot)...................................................... 20
Zoom in/out function .......................................... 21
Recording yourself ............................................. 22
Quick start.......................................................... 22
Backlight compensation function ....................... 23
Night view functions ........................................... 23
Soft skin mode ................................................... 24
Tele-macro function ........................................... 24
Fade in/fade out function ................................... 24
Wind noise reduction function............................ 25
Self-timer recording............................................ 25
Recording images for wide-screen TVs ............. 25
Image stabilizer function .................................... 26
Continuous Photoshot........................................ 26
Recording in various situations
(Scene mode).................................................. 27
Recording in natural colours
(White balance) ............................................... 28
Manual focus adjustment ................................... 29
Manual shutter speed/aperture adjustment ....... 29
Playback mode
Playing back tape............................................... 31
Slow-motion playback/
frame-by-frame playback................................. 32
Variable-speed search function.......................... 32
Playback on TV .................................................. 33
Playing back card............................................... 33
Deleting files recorded on a card ....................... 34
Formatting a card............................................... 35
Protecting files on a card.................................... 35
Writing the printing data on a card
(DPOF setting) ................................................ 35
Edit mode
Recording from a tape onto a card..................... 37
Copying onto a DVD recorder or a VCR
(Dubbing)......................................................... 37
Using the DV Cable for Recording
(Digital Dubbing).............................................. 38
Audio dubbing .................................................... 39
Printing pictures by directly connecting to
the printer (PictBridge) .................................... 40
Menu list............................................................. 41
Menus related to taking pictures ........................ 43
Menus related to playback ................................. 43
Other menus ...................................................... 44
Indications.......................................................... 45
Warning/alarm indications.................................. 46
Functions cannot be used simultaneously ......... 47
Before requesting repair
(Problems and solutions)................................. 48
Cautions for Use ................................................ 51
Explanation of terms .......................................... 55
Specifications ..................................................... 57
GS75GN.book 3 ページ 2005年1月26日 水曜日 午後5時8分

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