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Do not disconnect USB connection cable while the status indicator of the movie camera is on. It may
freeze the software or destroy the data in transfer. Please refer to the operating instructions of movie
When the movie camera is switched to the PC connection mode while it is connected to the personal
computer, the operation mode of the movie camera cannot be switched. In this case, disconnect the USB
connection cable. Switch the operation mode of the movie camera and reconnect the cable. (except for
If the movie camera is used as a Web Camera, the quality of the video to be exchanged will depend on
the Internet connection status.
In the Web Camera mode, video (picture) cannot be recorded onto a tape or a card.
In the Web Camera mode, the audio may be interrupted in the midway of communication depending on
the communication environment or the performance of the personal computer.
If you connect the USB connection cable while you operate a tape in the tape playback mode, the tape will
be stopped.
If you connect the USB connection cable in the Web Camera mode (tape recording mode), the time code
indication, the SP/LP indication, or icons disappear.
In the Web Camera mode (tape playback mode), the operation icon is changed.
If the movie camera is used as a Web Camera while virus checking software is running, the movie
camera’s operation may stop midway through. In this case, exit the Messenger, reconnect the movie
camera and restart the Messenger.
We recommend using AC adaptor as the power source for the movie camera when connecting to the
personal computer. Data may be lost if the battery power is lost while transferring.
Do not delete the folders in a card. The card may not be recognized if deleted. (except for NV-GS37/27)
If you install the USB Driver while the USB connection cable is being connected, or if you don’t follow
these operating instructions, the movie camera will not be recognized correctly. In this case, delete the
driver from [Device Manager] as described below, uninstall the driver, and re-install it. (except for NV-
Set the movie camera to tape recording mode, tape playback mode or PC connection mode, connect it to
the personal computer, and delete [DVC] or [Web-Camera] from [Device Manager].
VQT0T20EB-ENG.book 18 ページ 2005年11月21日 月曜日 午後3時59分

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Panasonic NVGS27GN Gebruiksaanwijzing - English - 44 pagina's

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