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Cod en Papillote with Bulghur
Lemon Thyme Steamed Chicken
1. Cut out four 30 cm square of baking parchment.
Arrange ¼ of the chopped Asian greens in the middle
of each paper square. Top with cod fillets and sprinkle
over the orange zest, juice, basil, garlic, wine, oil,
carrot, fennel and season. Fold over the paper to form
a parcel, leaving a little air inside so the ingredients
can steam, and twist the edges to seal.
2. Place parcels on the glass tray on the base of the
oven. Cook on Steam 1. It will take 30–40 minutes
cooking; the oven can only be set to cook for a max. 30
minutes at a time. Reset time and fill water tank after
30 minutes. Open one of the parcels to check that the
fish is cooked, it should flake easily.
3. Combine the bulghur wheat with 800 ml boiling
water in a shallow dish. Place on base of the oven.
Check the water level of the water tank and cook on
Combi 1 for 8–12 minutes or until the bulghur is just
tender. Drain the bulghur if necessary.
4. Fork through the cooked bulghur and mix in the
olive oil, lemon juice, garlic, basil, coriander and spring
onions. Season with salt and pepper to taste.
4 I
1 h 15 min
1. Place the sliced lemons on wire rack inside enamel
shelf and scatter the thyme over.
2. Place the chicken breasts between two sheets of
cling film and bash with a meat mallet or rolling pin
until thin. Remove the cling film and place chicken on
the lemon and thyme.
3. In a small bowl add the whole garlic cloves, seaso-
ning and finely chopped thyme, mix. Spoon over the
chicken. Cook chicken on Steam 1 for 20 minutes on
middle shelf position.
4. To make the yogurt dressing, crush 2–3 steamed
garlic cloves (as prepared above) into a small bowl.
Add yogurt, honey and mustard, and stir well. Serve
dressing with chicken. Serve with steamed broccoli
and courgettes.
4 I
30 min
280 g mixed Asian greens
4 cod fillets
½ orange, zest and juiced
45 g basil, shredded
2 garlic, finely chopped
120 ml dry white wine
15 ml olive oil (2x)
1 carrot, cut into thin strips
½ fennel, thinly sliced
salt, pepper
*e.g. pak choy, Chinese cabbage
200 g bulghur wheat
15 ml olive oil
½ lemon, juiced
1 garlic, crushed
30 g basil, shredded
30 g coriander, chopped
3 spring onions, sliced
DISH 1x shallow Pyrex
ACCESSORY Glass tray
Fill water tank
2 lemons, thinly sliced
1 bunch thyme
4 chicken breasts
6 cloves garlic, peeled
200 ml natural yogurt
15 ml honey
5 ml Dijon mustard
salt, pepper
2 small courgettes,
thickly sliced
cut into small florettes
DISH 2x small bowls
ACCESSORY Wire rack, Enamel shelf
Fill water tank

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Andere handleiding(en) van Panasonic NN-CS89

Panasonic NN-CS89 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 140 pagina's

Panasonic NN-CS89 Gebruiksaanwijzing - English - 154 pagina's

Panasonic NN-CS89 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Français - 67 pagina's

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