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Standard Limited Warranty
For Europe
Panasonic System Communications Company Europe
Panasonic System Communications Company Europe (referred to as “Panasonic”)
will repair this product (other than software, which is treated in a different section
of this warranty) with new or refurbished parts, from the date of original purchase
in the event of a defect in materials or workmanship. This warranty only applies to
new Panasonic Toughbooks purchased in the EEA and Switzerland and Turkey.
Panasonic (or its authorised Service Provider) target to repair your equipment
within 48 hours from its receipt in our service centre.
Additional charges may apply for shipment to countries outside of the European
Union. Panasonic will use all reasonable endeavours to ensure this service.
This warranty only covers failures due to defects in materials or workmanship
which occur during normal use for the applicable Service Agreement Period listed
below. In the event that any product (or part thereof) is replaced, Panasonic shall
transfer ownership of the replacement product (or part) to the customer and the
customer shall transfer ownership of the replaced product (or part) to Panasonic.
Service Agreement Period - from original date of purchase
Toughbooks (and every accessory included in the original packaging except
the battery) - 3 years
Toughpads (and every accessory included in the original packaging except the
battery) - 3 years
Accessories included in the original package - 3 years
Additional peripherals manufactured by Panasonic (including media bay de-
vices such as CD-Rom drives) - 1 year
Batteries - 6 months. Panasonic Warranty covers the battery for six months.
A battery is considered good if it maintains 50 % of its charge capacity during
the warranty period. If a battery is returned under this contract and testing
determines that it has charge capacity greater than 50 %, the battery will be
returned with an invoice for the retail purchase price of a new battery.
This warranty is extended solely to the original purchaser. A purchase receipt or
other proof of date of original purchase will be required before warranty perfor-
mance is rendered.

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