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Stereo Cartridge
Operating Instructions
Model No.
Before connecting, operating or adjusting this product, please
read these instructions completely.
Please keep this manual for future reference.
Dear customer
Thank you for purchasing this product.
For optimum performance and safety, please read these instruc-
tions carefully.
(Only for U.S.A.)
Supplied accessories
Please check and identify the supplied accessories.
(Only for U.S.A.)
Use numbers indicated in parentheses when ask-
ing for replacements parts.
To order accessories contact 1-800-332-5368
or web site (http: //www.panasonic.com).
Head shell weight (RMJ0011) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
Mounting screws (RHD26036) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
Stylus cover (RMJ0010) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
Type Moving magnet stereo cartridge
Stylus point 0.6 mil (Conical diamond)
Output voltage 6 mV (1 kHz, 3.54 cm/s)
Frequency response 10 Hz – 20 kHz
Channel separation 20 dB (1 kHz)
Channel balance 1.5 dB (1 kHz)
Compliance 4
cm/dyne (100 Hz)
Optimum stylus pressure 2 g
Recommended load resistance 47 – 100 K
Mass 5.3 g (0.19 oz.)
Replacement stylus part no. EPS-1200CS
Specifications are subject to change without notice.
Mass and dimensions are approximate.
Please Note
Treat the stylus with care.
The stylus is a delicate instrument for picking up sounds from
the grooves on records. The only surface it should touch is a
Do not move the tip of the stylus.
Do not allow it to catch on anything.
Do not allow the stylus to touch hard surfaces.
Attach the stylus cover when you have finished play.
Remove dust from the record and stylus regularly.
Take the headshell off the tone arm and, using a soft-tipped
brush, carefully remove the dust with a brushing movement
toward the point of the stylus.
Wipe the headshell terminal occasionally.
Dust or fluff on the terminal can cause the connection to be
incomplete. Wipe it with a soft cloth and put the headshell back
on the tone arm.
SP records (78 r/min) cannot be played.
Use a cartridge designed for SP records.
Designed for scratch play.
Moving magnet (MM) type for high output and high quality
Easily attached to Technics headshells.
Product service
(Only for U.S.A.)
Do not attempt to remove the cover(s) or repair the unit yourself.
Refer servicing to qualified personnel only.
Product information
For product service, product information or assistance with prod-
uct operation, refer to the servicenter directory.
Before requesting service, make the below checks. If you
are in doubt about some of the check points, or if the rem-
edies indicated in the chart do not solve the problem, con-
tact below.
In the U.S.A., contact the Panasonic Customer Call Center
at 1-800-211-7262, or web site (http://www.panasonic.com).
In Canada, contact Panasonic Canada Inc. Customer Care
Centre at 905-624-5505, or web site (www.panasonic. ca), or
an authorized Servicentre nearest you.
User memo:
For Europe
Matsushita Electric
Industrial Co.,Ltd.
Osaka 542-8588, Japan
2000 Matsushita Electric Industrial Co., Ltd.
Printed in Japan
For U.S.A.
Panasonic Consumer Electronics
Company, Division of Matsushita
Electric Corporation of America
One Panasonic Way Secaucus,
New Jersey 07094
Panasonic Sales Company,
Division of Matsushita Electric of
Puerto Rico, Inc. (“PSC”)
Ave. 65 de Infantería, Km. 9.5
San Gabriel Industrial Park, Carolina,
Puerto Rico 00985

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Andere handleiding(en) van Panasonic EPCU1200

Panasonic EPCU1200 Gebruiksaanwijzing - English - 2 pagina's

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