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EU Warranty
EU/EEA – Wide Guarantee: Conditions applicable in any
country other than the country of original purchase.
When the purchaser finds the appliance to be defective, he should
promptly contact the proper sales company or national distributor in
the EU/EEA country where this guarantee is claimed, as indicated in
the “Product Service Guide” or the nearest authorised dealer
together with this guarantee and proof of date of purchase. The
purchaser will then be informed whether:
(i) the sales company or national distributor will handle the repair
service; or
(ii) the sales company or national distributor will arrange for trans-
shipment of the appliance to the EU/EEA country where the
appliance was originally marketed; or
(iii) the purchaser may himself send the appliance to the sales
company or national distributor in the EU/EEA country where the
appliance was originally marketed.
If the appliance is a product model which is normally supplied by the
sales company or national distributor in the country where it is used
by the purchaser, then the appliance, together with this guarantee
card and proof of date of purchase, should be returned at the
purchaser’s risk and expense to such sales company or distributor,
which will handle the repair service. In some countries, the affiliated
sales company or national distributor will designate dealers or certain
service centres to execute the repairs involved.
If the appliance is a product model which is not normally supplied in
the country where used, or if the appliance’s internal or external
product characteristics are different from those of the equivalent
model in the country where used, the sales company or national
distributor may be able to have the guarantee repair service
executed by obtaining spare parts from the country where the
appliance was originally marketed, or it may be necessary to have
the guarantee repair service executed the sales company or national
distributor in the country where the appliance was originally
In either case, the purchaser must furnish this guarantee card and
proof of date of purchase. Any necessary transportation, both of the
appliance and of any spare parts, will be at the purchaser’s risk and
expense, and there may be a consequent delay in the repair service.
Where the consumer sends the appliance for repair to the sales
company or national distributor in the country of use of the appliance,
the service will be provided on the same local terms and conditions
(including the period of guarantee coverage) as prevail for the same
model appliance in the country of use, and not the country of initial
sale in the EU/EEA. Where the consumer sends the appliance for
repair to the sales company or national distributor in the EU/EEA
country where the appliance was originally marketed, the repair
service will be provided on the local terms and conditions prevailing
in the country of initial sale in the EU/EEA.
Some product models require adjustment or adaptation for proper
performance and safe use in different EU/EEA countries, in
accordance with local voltage requirements and safety or other
technical standards imposed or recommended by applicable
regulations. For certain product models, the cost of such adjustment
or adaptation may be substantial and it may be difficult to satisfy local
voltage requirements and safety or other technical standards. It is
strongly recommended that the purchaser investigates these local
technical and safety factors before using the appliance in another
EU/EEA country.
This guarantee shall not cover the cost of any adjustments or
adaptations to meet local voltage requirements and safety or other
technical standards. The sales company or national distributor may
be in a position to make the necessary adjustments or adaptations to
certain product models at the cost of the purchaser. However, for
technical reasons it is not possible to adjust or adapt all product
models to comply with local voltage requirements and safety or other
technical standards. Moreover, where adaptations or adjustments
are carried out the performance of the appliance may be affected.

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