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Do not leave the card where the temperature is high, where electromagnetic waves or
static electricity are easily generated or exposed to direct sunlight.
Do not bend or drop the card.
The card may be damaged or the recorded content may be damaged or deleted.
Put the card in the card case or the storage bag after use and when storing or carrying the card.
Do not allow dirt, dust, or water to get into the terminals on the back of the card and do not touch the
terminals with your fingers.
Notice for when transferring to another party, or disposing of the memory card
“Format” or “delete” using the camera or a PC will only modify the file management
information, it will not erase the data in the memory card completely.
It is recommended to physically destroy the memory card or use the commercially
available computer data deletion software to completely erase the data in the memory
card before transferring to another party or disposing.
Management of data in the memory card is the responsibility of the user.
If a birthday is set for [Baby1]/[Baby2], this personal information is kept in the camera and
recorded in the image.
Setting a Wi-Fi password is recommended to protect personal information. (P124)
Information including personal information may be altered or vanish due to erroneous operation,
effect of static electricity, accident, malfunction, repair, or other handlings.
Please note in advance that Panasonic is not liable in any way for any direct or indirect damage from
the alteration or vanishing of information or personal information.
When requesting a repair, transferring to another party, or disposing
Reset the settings to protect the personal information. (P44)
After making a copy of personal information, always delete information such as personal information
and wireless LAN connection settings that you have saved within the camera with [Reset Wi-Fi
Settings] (P44).
If there are pictures stored in the built-in memory, copy them onto the memory card (P92) before
formatting the built-in memory (P45) as needed.
Remove the memory card from the camera when requesting a repair.
Built-in memory and settings may return to factory default when camera is repaired.
Please contact the dealer where you purchased the camera or Panasonic if above operations are
not possible due to malfunction.
When transferring to another party, or disposing of the memory card, please refer to
“Notice for when transferring to another party, or disposing of the memory card” above.
When uploading images on web services
Images may contain information that can be used for identifying individuals such as titles, recording
dates, and location information. When uploading images on web services, check carefully, and then
About the personal information

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Andere handleiding(en) van Panasonic DMC-SZ8

Panasonic DMC-SZ8 Gebruiksaanwijzing - English - 2 pagina's

Uw handleiding is per email verstuurd. Controleer uw email

Als u niet binnen een kwartier uw email met handleiding ontvangen heeft, kan het zijn dat u een verkeerd emailadres heeft ingevuld of dat uw emailprovider een maximum grootte per email heeft ingesteld die kleiner is dan de grootte van de handleiding.

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