Pagina terug
Pagina verder
Thank you for purchasing our Panasonic Room Air
: Features ..................................................... 1
: Safety Precautions ................................... 2
Installation Precautions
Operation Precautions
: Name of Each Part ................................ 3~4
Indoor Unit
Outdoor Unit
Remote Control
: Preparation Before Operation ................. 5
Indoor Unit
: How to Operate ..................................... 5~6
: Setting the Timer ...................................... 7
: Convenience Operation ........................... 7
Sleep Mode Operation
: Care and Maintenance ......................... 7~8
Cleaning the Indoor Unit and Remote Control
Cleaning the Air Filter
Pre-season Inspection
When the Air Conditioner is Not Used for an
Extended Period of Time
Recommended Inspection
: Helpful information ................................... 8
: Energy Saving and Operation Hints ....... 8
: Troubleshooting ....................................... 9
Normal Operation
Abnormal Operation
Call the Dealer Immediately
Before using your air conditioner, please read
this operating instructions carefully and keep it
for future reference.
Illuminating Button
For your convenience to operate in the dark.
(Refer page 4)
Automatic Operation
Sense indoor temperature to select the
optimum mode.
(Refer page 5)
Comfortable Airflow Operation
(Vertical Airflow Direction)
Minute airflow direction control creates a pleasant
room environment.
(Refer page 6)
ON / OFF Dual Setting Timer
To program the room air conditioner to turn itself on
and to ensure you maximum comfort when sleeping.
(Refer page 7)
Sleep Mode
Prevent the room from getting too hot or too
cold while you are sleeping.
(Refer page 7)
Auto Restart Control
Restart the unit automatically after power failure.
(Refer page 8)
Enviromental Friendly
(For Refrigerant : R410A Models)
Zero ozone depleting potential and low global warming
potential by using R410A refrigerant.
! Warning
If the supply cord is damaged or needed to be replaced,
it must be replaced by the manufacturer or its service agent
or a similarly qualified person in order to avoid a hazard.
Remove power plug or disconnect from the main before
servicing this appliance.
Do not repair by yourself.
In case of malfunction of this appliance, do not repair by
yourself. Contact the sales dealer or service dealer for a
Turn off the power (Isolation from main power supply). Pull
off the power plug from the receptacle, or switch off the
breaker, or switch off the power disconnecting mean to
isolate the equipment from the main power supply in case of
an emergency.
! Caution
Airborne noise.
A-weighted sound pressure level of this appliance is less than
70dB (A) under the JIS C 9612 test conditions.
Maximum cooling operation
1 m from the unit
Replacement or installation of power plugs shall be performed
by authorised/qualified personnel only.
The wires in this main lead are coloured in accordance with the
following code:
Green and Yellow : Earth
Blue : Neutral
Brown : Live
“As the colours of the wires in the main lead of this
appliance may not correspond with the coloured markings
identifying the terminals in your plug, proceed as follow:
The wire which is coloured green and yellow must be
connected to the terminal in the plug which is marked by the
letter E or by safety earth symbol ! or coloured green or green
and yellow.
The wire which is coloured blue must be connected to the
terminal which is marked with letter N or coloured black.
The wire which is coloured brown must be connected to the
terminal which is marked with letter L or coloured red.”
Please remember to record the following:
Model Number
Serial Number
Dealer’s Name
Date Purchased
12CTP5-01EN(01-09) 12/24/09, 11:29 AM1

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