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Outdoor Unit
• Do not sit or step on the unit, you
may fall down accidentally.
Do not touch the sharp aluminium
n, sharp parts may cause injury.
Ensure that the drainage pipe is
connected properly. Otherwise,
leakage may occur.
After long periods of use, make sure
the installation rack is not damaged.
To prevent personal injury, injury to others, or property damage, please observe the following.
Incorrect operation due to failure to follow instructions may cause harm or damage, the seriousness of which is classied as below:
This sign warns of death or serious injury.
This sign warns of
injury or damage
to property.
Indoor Unit
Do not install the unit in a potentially
explosive atmosphere.
Do not wash the unit with water,
benzene, thinner or scouring powder.
• Do not use for other purposes such
as preservation of food.
Do not use any combustible
equipment in front of the airow outlet.
• Do not expose directly to cold air for
a long period.
Ensure that the drainage pipe is
connected properly. Otherwise,
leakage may occur.
Aerate the room regularly.
Remote Control
• Do not use rechargeable
(Ni-Cd) batteries.
• Do not allow infants and
small children to play with
the remote control to prevent
them from accidentally
swallowing the batteries.
• Remove the batteries if the
unit is not going to be used for
a long period of time.
New batteries of the same
type must be inserted
following the polarity stated
to prevent malfunction of the
remote control.
Indoor Unit
Do not install, remove and reinstall
the unit by yourself; improper
installation will cause leakage,
electric shock or re. Please consult
an authorized dealer or specialist
for the installation work.
Do not insert your fingers or
other objects into the unit,
rotating parts may cause injury.
Do not attempt to repair the
unit by yourself.
Power Supply
• Do not pull the cord to disconnect the
• Switch off the power supply and
unplug before cleaning or servicing.
Turn off the power supply and unplug
if the unit is not used for a long period
of time.
• This air conditioner is equipped with
a built-in surge protective device.
However, in order to further protect
your air conditioner from being
damaged by abnormally strong
lightning activity, you may want to
disconnect it from the power supply.
Do not touch the air conditioner
during lightning, it may cause electric
Air inlet
Air outlet
Air inlet
Air inlet
Power Supply
• Do not share the same power outlet with
other equipment.
Do not modify power cords.
Do not use extension cords.
Do not operate with wet hands.
• Do not operate or stop the unit by inserting
or pulling out the power plug.
Insert the power plug properly.
Use the specied supply cord.
• If the supply cord is damaged, it must be
replaced by the manufacturer, its service
agent or similarly qualied persons in order
to avoid a hazard.
• Dust on the electric power plug should be
periodically wiped with a dry cloth.
• This equipment must be earthed and
strongly recommended to be installed with
Earth Leakage Circuit Breaker (ELCB) or
Residual Current Device (RCD). Otherwise,
it may cause electrical shock orre in case
of malfunction.
In case of emergency or abnormal
conditions (burnt smell, etc), turn off the
power supply and unplug, and consult your
nearest dealer.
The instructions to be followed are classied by the following symbols:
This symbol denotes an action
These symbols denote actions
that are COMPULSORY.
Outdoor Unit
Do not insert your ngers or other objects
into the unit, rotating parts may cause injury.

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