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The Treo
600 by palmOne is a small, easy to use smartphone with a
built-in backlit QWERTY keyboard. It seamlessly combines a full-featured
mobile phone and Palm OS
organizer with wireless communication
applications like email, messaging and web browsing, and even a digital
camera—to simplify both your business and personal life.
It’s a smarter phone Now you can use just one deviceinstead of manyto get it all
done. Everything is totally integrated, so you can talk on the phone while checking your
calendar, or quickly look up a contact and either call or send a text message. Whats more,
Treo 600 is a quad-band GSM/GPRS world phone that supports high-speed connectivity
for wireless communications.
Its indispensable Treo 600s built-in backlit QWERTY keyboard makes entering text
and accessing information fast and familiar. Its great for messaging and a must-have
for email. But dont let its small size fool you. Dome-shaped keys and large text make it
incredibly accurate too. And, for one-handed action, the central ve-way navigation button
lets you scroll through applications, menus and lists without ever touching the screen.
Its the key to being organizedand connected Treo 600 is a powerful
Palm OS organizer that lets you keep all your business and personal information in one
place. It includes everything you need to stay organizedCalendar, Contacts, To Do List,
Memo Pad, and more. Plus, with wireless connectivity you can send and receive email,
SMS text messages, and MMS, and browse the web so youre always in touch.
Its a digital camera and more Take a picture, view it on your color screen or send
it via MMS or email. Its that easy. Want to customize your Treo? Just use the SD/MMC
expansion slot to add memory, software applications or content. Because Treo 600 runs
the popular Palm OS, there are literally thousands of applications you can download and
use. You can even add functionality via SD I/O (input/output).

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Andere handleiding(en) van Palm treo 600

Palm treo 600 Gebruiksaanwijzing - English - 178 pagina's

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