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Programming manual SC 08
1 Monday
2 Tuesday
3 Wednesday
4 Thursday
5 Friday
6 Saturday
7 Sunday
Channel ON
Channel OFF
In mode AUTO manual
switching possible by
pressing key A.
Key functions
Menu Selection of programming modes
[ CL ] Cancelling of inputs in modes
PR; ? and
] In PR; ?;
and S/W modes:
Change flashing digit resp. position.
In Mode ?:
Change selected inputs.
[ O.K.] Confirm the selected mode.
In PR and
Head for required position. (forwards)
In ? mode:
Head for next switching time.
In S/W mode:
Enter into memory.
[] In PR and
Return to required position. (backwards)
In ? mode:
Return to switching time before.
[ A ] In AUTO mode:
Press for manual override ON or OFF.
Holding down key A for 3 seconds, will switch
ON or OFF PERM override.
perm will be displayed.
Programmed function in relevant channel will
be suppressed.
Cancel permanent ON or OFF by holding down
key A for a further 3 seconds, perm will
Programming advice
The default setting on delivery is programmed real
time and date, the summertime change is activated.
Programming possible also with time switch
disconnected: Press O.K., display appears, start
Make inputs step by step. The appropriate position in
the display is flashing and can be changed by pressing
key. Head for next position by using O.K. key, go
backwards by using key. Inputs are terminated
when flashing finishes.
To program the time switch simply remove the
logic unit from the base module.
Operating modes
AUTO Display of time, day of week, switch status of
Bar graph display of ON time. Display the cur-
rent sunset-time (ON) by operating the O.K. key
and the sunrise-time (OFF) by operating the
O.K. key a second time
Manual overriding possible (KEY A)
PR Input of switching commands according to
week day(s) and time, also the holiday pro-
Use arrow and O.K. keys to alter flashing digit.
Use diamond
key to increase value.
(Confirm last input with O.K. key, will enter into
? Displays number of free memory locations
Selects the selected Astro-table
Show switching times
Alter switching time
Clear single or all switching times
Use O.K. key forwards or key backwards to
display switching times.
Use diamond
key to change (alter) dis-
played switching time.
Use CL key to cancel the displayed switching
Use CL key twice to cancel all switching times if
number of free memory locations available dis-
played only.
Input of actual date and time
Use arrow and O.K. keys to alter flashing
Use diamond key to increase value.
(Confirm last input with O.K. key, will enter into
memory and change into AUTO mode)
S/W To activate / deactivate the summer/winter
time change over.
Use diamond
key to select automatic S/W –
time change ON or OFF.
(Confirm last input with O.K. key, will enter into
memory and change into AUTO mode)
Press and hold down all three keys ;
O.K. and CL , will clear date, real time and
Switching programmes normally will not be
(Check by Read – Out; “?”mode)
mode is selected because date and real time
must be programme new.
Installation details
Caution: The installation and assembly of electrical
equipment must be only carried out only by a
skilled person.
Connect to voltage and frequency according to type
label only.
When connecting an alternating current
(AC) the L- wire must be connected to
the L terminal and the N wire to the N
terminal. Never connect the L wire to the
N terminal.
Warranty void if housing opened by unauthorised
The high density electronic circuit is protected against
a wide range of external influences. Incorrect operating
may occur if external influences exceed certain limits.
Wiring diagram
The switch function OFF in Astro mode is alligned
with sunrise
The switch function ON in Astro mode is alligned
with sunset
Each switch-time can be programmed alternatively
as Astro, or as normal switch-time.
If the Astro-function is chosen for a switch-time, the
sunrise (turning off) as well as sunset (turning on)
times programmed for the current day will be shown
in the Display -
- this time can be changed as required and be-
comes automatically modified each successive day
in accordance with the chosen Astro table -
- the difference (offset) between the entered switch-
time and the sunrise/set-time is fixed for successive
The programmed switching times, (mode P), as well
as the indicated Astro-switch times (mode?) are
always applied exclusively to the current day.
In mode AUTO The current sunset-time can be read
by pressing button O.K., and by pressing O.K. twice
the current sunrise-time is displayed
In mode ? the matching astro-table must be chosen
as the first step.
Astro table – custom on request
Table Location
t 01 Scotland
t 02 England North
t 03 England South
t 04 Ireland
t 05 Germany North
t 06 Germany Middle
t 07 Germany East
At 08
Germany South, Swiss North East,
Austrian North
t 09 France Middle
t 10 France North East
t 11 France North West
t 12 France South East; Swiss East
t 13 France South West
t 14 Italy North, Swiss South, Austrian South
t 15 Italy Middle
t 16 Italy South
Mode ?
Select time zone. (see table)
Prior to programming switching commands it is
necessary to select the installation time zone.
A different Astro-table can be chosen at anytime. The
currently programmed Astro-switch times are automati-
cally re-calculated after the selection of the new table.
Programmed Astro-switch times can be checked,
amended or deleted and input again..
Example: Astro-table 05 (At 05) required.
Start from: Mode AUTO;
Astro-table 01 (At 01) active.
Push button
2x, &
button O.K. 1x
Display of free
Push button
O.K. 1x
Push button
Push button
After programming, viewing or amending time zone, by
pressing button O.K. switching commands can be
viewed, programmed or amended.
To return to AUTO mode press
button once.

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Paladin SC 08.13 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 2 pagina's

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