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Kundenservice/Customer Service
OttoBock HealthCare DeutschlandGmbH
Max-Näder-Str. 15 · 37115 Duderstadt · Germany
T+49(0) 5527848-3433 · F+49(0) 5527848-1460
healthcare@ottobock.de · www.ottobock.de
Otto Bock Healthcare Products GmbH
Kaiserstraße 39 · 1070 Wien · Austria
T +43(0) 1 5269548 · F +43(0) 1 5267985
vertrieb.austria@ottobock.com · www.ottobock.at
Otto Bock Adria Sarajevo D.O.O.
Omladinskih radnih brigada 5
71000 Sarajevo · Bosnia-Herzegovina
T+387(0) 33766200 · F+387(0) 33766201
obadria@bih.net.ba · www.ottobockadria.com.ba
Otto Bock Bulgaria Ltd.
41 Tzar Boris III‘ Blvd. · 1612 Sofia · Bulgaria
T+359(0) 28057980 · F+359(0) 28057982
info@ottobock.bg · www.ottobock.bg
OttoBock Suisse AG
Pilatusstrasse 2 · CH-6036 Dierikon
T+41(0) 414556171 · F+41(0) 414556170
suisse@ottobock.com · www.ottobock.ch
Otto Bock ČR s.r.o.
Protetická 460 · 33008 Zruč-Senec · Czech Republic
T+420(0) 377825044 · F+420(0) 377825036
email@ottobock.cz · www.ottobock.cz
OttoBock Iberica S.A.
C/Majada, 1 · 28760 Tres Cantos (Madrid) · Spain
T+34(0) 918063000 · F+34(0) 918060415
info@ottobock.es · www.ottobock.es
Otto Bock France SNC
4 rue de la Réunion - CS 90011
91978 Courtaboeuf Cedex · France
T+33(0) 169188830 · F+33(0) 169071802
information@ottobock.fr · www.ottobock.fr
Otto Bock Healthcare plc
32, Parsonage Road · Englefield Green
Egham, Surrey TW20 0LD · United Kingdom
T +44(0) 1784 744900 · F +44(0) 1784 744901
bockuk@ottobock.com · www.ottobock.co.uk
OttoBock Hungária Kft.
Tatai út 74. · 1135 Budapest · Hungary
T+36(0) 14511020 · F+36(0) 14511021
info@ottobock.hu · www.ottobock.hu
Otto Bock Adria d.o.o.
Dr. Franje Tuđmana 14 ·10431 Sveta Nedelja · Croatia
T+385(0) 13361544 · F+385(0) 13365986
ottobockadria@ottobock.hr · www.ottobock.hr
OttoBock Italia Srl Us
Via Filippo Turati 5/7 · 40054 Budrio (BO) · Italy
T+39(0) 051692-4711 · F+39(0) 051692-4720
info.italia@ottobock.com · www.ottobock.it
Otto Bock Benelux B.V.
Ekkersrijt 1412 · 5692 AK
Son en Breugel · The Netherlands
T+31(0) 499474585 · F+31(0) 499476250
info.benelux@ottobock.com · www.ottobock.nl
Industria Ortopédica Otto Bock Unip. Lda.
Av. Miguel Bombarda, 21 - 2º Esq.
1050-161 Lisboa · Portugal
T+351(0) 213535587 · F+351(0) 213535590
OttoBock Polska Sp. z o. o.
Ulica Koralowa 3 · 61-029 Poznań · Poland
T+48(0) 616538250 · F+48(0) 616538031
ottobock@ottobock.pl · www.ottobock.pl
OttoBock Romania srl
Şos de Centura Chitila - Mogoşoia Nr. 3
077405 Chitila, Jud. Ilfov · Romania
T+40(0) 214363110 · F+40(0) 214363023
info@ottobock.ro · www.ottobock.ro
OOO Otto Bock Service
p/o Pultikovo, Business Park „Greenwood“,
Building 7, 69 km MKAD
143441 Moscow Region/Krasnogorskiy Rayon
Russian Federation
T+7(0) 4955648360 · F+7(0) 4955648363
info@ottobock.ru · www.ottobock.ru
OttoBock Scandinavia AB
Koppargatan 3 · Box 623 · 60114 Norrköping · Sweden
T+46(0) 11280600 · F+46(0) 11312005
info@ottobock.se · www.ottobock.se
OttoBock Slovakia s.r.o.
Röntgenova 26 · 85101 Bratislava 5 · Slovak Republic
T+421(0) 232782070 · F+421(0) 232782089
info@ottobock.sk · www.ottobock.sk
OttoBock Sava d.o.o.
Maksima Gorkog bb · 18000 Niš · Republika Srbija
T+381(0) 184285888 · F+381(0) 184539191
info@ottobock.rs · www.ottobock.rs
OttoBock Ortopedi ve
Rehabilitasyon Tekniği Ltd. Şti.
Ali Dursun Bey Caddesi · Lati Lokum Sokak
Meriç Sitesi B Block No: 6/1
34387 Mecidiyeköy-İstanbul · Turkey
T+90(0) 2123565040 · F+90(0) 2123566688
info@ottobock.com.tr · www.ottobock.com.tr
Otto Bock Algérie E.U.R.L.
32, rue Ahcène Outaleb - Coopérative les Mimosas
Mackle-Ben Aknoun · Alger · DZ Algérie
T+213(0) 21913863 · F+213(0) 21913863
information@ottobock.fr · www.ottobock.fr
Otto Bock Egypt S.A.E.
28 Soliman Abaza St. Mohandessein - Giza · Egypt
T+202(0) 33024390 · F+202(0) 33024380
info@ottobock.com.eg · www.ottobock.com.eg
Otto Bock South Africa (Pty) Ltd
Building 3 Thornhill Office Park · 94 Bekker Road
Midrand · Johannesburg · South Africa
T +27(0) 113121255
Otto Bock Argentina S.A.
Av. Cabildo 924 · CP 1426
Ciudad Autônoma de Buenos Aires · Argentina
T+54(0) 114706-2255 · F+54(0) 114788-3006
Otto Bock do Brasil Ltda.
Rua Jovelino Aparecido Miguel, 32
13051-030 Campinas-São Paulo · Brasil
T+55(0) 1937293500 · F+55(0) 1932696061
ottobock@ottobock.com.br · www.ottobock.com.br
Otto Bock HealthCare Canada
5470 Harvester Road
Burlington, Ontario, L7L 5N5, Canada
T+1(0) 289288-4848 · F+1(0) 289288-4837
infocanada@ottobock.com · www.ottobock.ca
Otto Bock HealthCare Andina Ltda.
Clínica Universitária Teletón, Autopista Norte km 21
La Caro Chia, Cundinamarca · Bogotá · Colombia
T+57(0) 18619988 · F+57(0) 18619977
info@ottobock.com.co · www.ottobock.com.co
Otto Bock de Mexico S.A. de C.V.
Prolongación Calle 18 No. 178-A
Col. San Pedro de los Pinos
C.P. 01180 México, D.F. · Mexico
T+52(0) 5555750290 · F+52(0) 5555750234
info@ottobock.com.mx · www.ottobock.com.mx
Otto Bock HealthCare
Two Carlson Parkway North, Suite 100
Minneapolis, MN 55447 · USA
T+1(0) 7635539464 · F+1(0) 7635196153
Otto Bock Australia Pty. Ltd.
Suite 1.01, Century Corporate Centre
62 Norwest Boulevarde
Baulkham Hills NSW 2153 · Australia
T+61(0) 288182800 · F+61(0) 288144500
healthcare@ottobock.com.au · www.ottobock.com.au
Beijing Otto Bock Orthopaedic Industries Co., Ltd.
B12E, Universal Business Park
10 Jiuxianqiao Road, Chao Yang District
Beijing, 100015, P.R. China
T+8610(0) 85986880 · F+8610(0) 85980040
Otto Bock Asia Pacific Ltd.
Suite 3218, 32/F., Sun Hung Kai Centre
30 Harbour Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong · China
T+852(0) 25989772 · F+852(0) 25987886
OttoBock HealthCare India
Behind FairLawn Housing Society
St. Gregorios Lane, Sion Trombay Road
Chembur, Mumbai, 400071 · India
T+91(0) 2225201268 · F+91(0) 2225201267
information@indiaottobock.com · www.ottobock.in
OttoBock Japan K. K.
Yokogawa Building 8F, 4-4-44 Shibaura
Minato-ku, Tokyo, 108-0023 · Japan
T+81(0) 33798-2111 · F+81(0) 33798-2112
ottobock@ottobock.co.jp · www.ottobock.co.jp
OttoBock Korea HealthCare Inc.
4F Agaworld Building · 1357-74, Seocho-dong
Seocho-ku, 137-070 Seoul · Korea
T+82(0) 2577-3831 · F+82(0) 2577-3828
info@ottobockkorea.com · www.ottobockkorea.com
OttoBock South East Asia Co., Ltd.
1741 Phaholyothin Road
Kwaeng Chatuchark · Khet Chatuchark
Bangkok 10900 · Thailand
T+66(0) 29303030 · F+66(0) 29303311
obsea@otttobock.co.th · www.ottobock.co.th
Other countries
Otto Bock HealthCare GmbH
Max-Näder-Straße 15 · 37115 Duderstadt · Germany
T+49(0) 5527848-1590 · F+49(0) 5527848-1676
reha-export@ottobock.de · www.ottobock.com

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