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1 General Information
1.1 Preface
Congratulations on choosing a lightweight wheelchair from the Start series, a high-quality pro-
duct that offers versatile applications for everyday use at home and outdoors. Before using your
wheelchair, it is essential to read the sections Delivery / Preparing the Wheelchair for Useand
“Safety Instructions” .
The section Accessories” presents additional components of the Start which can expand its
field of application and improve its comfort. The section Adjustment / Assembly Instructions
provides an overview of the possibilities to customize the wheelchair to your personal needs
and preferences. The model as described in these Instructions for Use is subject to technical
changes without notice.
1.2 Intended Use
The lightweight wheelchairs of the Start series are designed solely for people who are unable to
walk or who have a walking impediment. The wheelchairs can be moved either by the patients
themselves or by another person.
The Otto Bock warranty applies only when the product is used according to the specified con
ditions and for the intended purposes, following all manufacturers recommendations.
1.3 Field of Application
The versatility of the Start series wheelchairs and their modular design make them suitable for
patients who have walking impediments or walking inabilities due to:
Loss of limbs (lower limb amputation)
Defective or deformed limbs
Joint contractures or defects
Diseases such as cardiac or circulatory insufficiency, balance disorders or cachexia as well
as for geriatric patients who still have usable residual strength in the upper limbs.

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Andere handleiding(en) van Otto Bock M6 Junior

Otto Bock M6 Junior Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 72 pagina's

Otto Bock M6 Junior Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 36 pagina's

Otto Bock M6 Junior Gebruiksaanwijzing - Français - 72 pagina's

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