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The DS-3868 Digital Camera makes taking filmless photos fun
and easy!
Your choice! - Take 20 photos at a higher resolution or 80
photos at a more moderate resolution. Download your photos
to your PC (connection cable included) and then the DS-3868
is ready to take more photos! Or capture live action using the
video cam feature and the included Windows Netmeeting
Use the ArcSoft
PC software (included) to modify your
photos and add special effects or create montages! Post your
photo “masterpieces” on your website, incorporate them into
email greeting cards to send to friends and relatives, or print
them out on your color printer (color printer not included).
Easily create photo albums on your PC to save all the fun and
In addition, you can use the Microsoft Windows Netmeeting
software (included) to have a video conference with your
Install the Batteries
1. To install the batteries, unlock the battery compartment by sliding the A lock located on the side of
the camera to the unlocked position.
2. Remove the B battery compartment cover and insert C the batteries (included) into the battery
compartment with the polarity in the direction as shown inside the compartment.
3. Replace the cover back over the battery compartment and slide the lock to the locked position.
Note: The DS-3868 will not operate without battery power. When the batteries need replacing the F
PHOTO COUNTER will flash rapidly and the user will not be able to take photos. Always download
photos to the PC prior to replacing batteries to avoid memory loss.
Important: Do not mix old batteries with new batteries. Always dispose of exhausted batteries properly.
Do not insert anything except batteries into the battery compartment as this may cause damage to the
Select the Camera Mode
After the camera is turned on, select the desired camera mode.
The mode selections are: Standby, Normal, Continuous Capture,
Self Timer, Clear Photos and Resolution Setting.
1. To turn the camera on, slide the D ON/OFF switch to the
“On” position. The ON/OFF slide switch is located under the
battery compartment door.
Note: To conserve battery power the DS-3868 will automatically
default to Standby mode after 30 seconds of no activity. Press
E MODE to reactivate the DS-3868.
2. Press the E MODE button to sequentially advance through
the mode selections. The different modes are:
Standby: The DS-3868 automatically defaults to this mode
conserve power after 30 seconds of no activity.
Normal mode: In this mode the DS-3868 has a maximum 20
photo capacity at the higher resolution of 352 x 288 pixels. In
Low Resolution the the maximum number of photos is 80. With
each photo taken the F PHOTO COUNTER will decrease by
one. In Normal mode “HR,” (high resolution) will be briefly
displayed in the F PHOTO COUNTER window and then be
replaced by “20” indicating the maximum photo capacity.
Continuous Capture: In continuous capture the DS-3868 will take
photos rapidly without interruption until the maximum number of
photos has been taken. To use this feature, press and hold the
G CAPTURE button. When the maximum number of photos
have been taken the DS-3868 will emit an audible tone.
Continuous capture photos can be converted to video file format
(.AVI file) on the PC. In Continuous Counter mode the symbol
“Ct” will be displayed in the F PHOTO COUNTER window.
Self Timer: The self timer feature delays taking the photo for 10
seconds. To use this feature, press the G CAPTURE button
once to activate the self time. The self time symbol “St” will be
displayed in the F PHOTO COUNTER window. During the 10
second interval an audible tone will sound every second. At the
end of the 10 second delay period, the DS-3868 will take the
photo. The F PHOTO COUNTER will decrease the number of
photos by one.
Clear Photos: Clear Photos mode will permanently delete all
photos stored in the DS-3868. Before activating the Clear
Photos mode make sure that all photos have been downloaded
to the PC. In Clear Photo mode the symbol “CL” will be
displayed in the F PHOTO COUNTER window. To use this
feature, set the mode to “CL” and then press G CAPTURE
button twice. The F PHOTO COUNTER window will reset and
display the photo capacity for the selected resolution.
Low Resolution: In the low resolution mode the DS-3868 has an
80 photo capacity at a resolution of 176 x 144 pixels. In the low
resolution mode, the symbol “Lr” will be displayed in the F
Press the G CAPTURE button again and the F PHOTO
COUNTER will then display the maximum capacity of 80 photos.
High Resolution
Clear Photos
Press the E
MODE button to
sequence through
the camera modes
Taking Photos
1. Unlock A and remove the B Battery Compartment Door to
access the D ON/OFF slide switch.
2. Slide the ON/OFF switch to the “On” position.
3. Close the B Battery Compartment Door.
4. Press E MODE to activate the camera and select the desired
camera mode.
5. When activated, M the STATUS LED will show a steady red light.
Note: After 30 seconds of no activity, the camera will default to Standby
mode. When the camera is not active the Status LED will not be lit.
6. Look through the N VIEWFINDER and make sure that you can see
the subject clearly.
7. Press G CAPTURE to take the photograph.
8. The F PHOTO COUNTER will decrease by a value of one with each
photo taken.
9. When a photograph is taken, a single short beep will be emitted. After
the beep sounds, the camera is ready to take another photograph.
Important: When the maximum number of photos have been taken, F
the PHOTO COUNTER will show “00.” If G CAPTURE is pressed
when “00” is displayed, a series of short beeps will sound indicating that
the maximum number of photographs have been taken. The photo-
graphs must be downloaded or cleared from the camera before more
photographs can be taken. (See Downloading Photographs.)
Note: The DS-3868 will not take photos in low light conditions. When
the light is too low for the DS-3868, a beep will be emitted when photo is
High Resolution
Low Resolution
Self Timer
Top View
Bottom View
Connecting the Camera to Your PC
1. Connect and install the H USB Cable (included) to the USB port of your PC.
2. Open the I Camera Connection Cable Door and plug the cable into the PC Interface Jack.
3. Install the ArcSoft
software (included) on your PC.
4. Follow the instructions for downloading photographs.
The DS-3868 has video streaming capability. To use the web cam feature:
1. Screw the J DS-3868 securely to the K mini-stand. The mini-stand rotates
and swivels.
2. Position the camera where the L Front-View Viewfinder is facing the subject.
3. Follow instructions provided in the Windows Netmeeting software for video
conferencing function.
DS3868 Manual(ver.1)/OSI-USA 4/10/01, 10:09 am1

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