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mentioned in this Manual; used inconsistently with the
technical or safety standards in force in the country where
this product is used, or damaged due to leaky or defective
batteries; used by children as a toy or placed less than 1 meter
away from and within the reach of the child, is not subject to
1. : Turns unit ON / OFF; activates backlight
2. Sound light indicators: Shows sound level received
from the baby unit
3. / : Increases / decreases volume; changes setting
value; enables / disables alarm
4. : Displays or sets the clock / alarm / voice
activation sensitivity level
5. : Sets and operates the feeding timer
6. Speaker
Thank you for selecting the Oregon Scientific™ Baby Monitor
with Indoor Temperature (BBM211 – parent unit / BBR211 –
baby unit).
NOTE Please keep this manual handy as you use your new
product. It contains practical step-by-step instructions, as well
as technical specifications and warnings you should know.
This product should only be operated by an adult
and should not to be used as a toy for children.
This product is not intended and should not be used as a
replacement for responsible adult supervision; it only acts
as a support for your child-caring purpose. Any type of
liability beyond statutory warranty regulations or resulting
from improper use of this product and/or use not in
accordance with product warnings, precautions and
instructions is excluded.
Please ensure that this product and adapter cable
are always kept out of the reach of your child and at
least 1 meter away.
Never place the baby unit inside the baby crib or
near water (e.g. bathtub, wet basement, etc.)
For indoor use only.
Oregon Scientific provides warranty for products with
manufacturing defects. A product which is: damaged, misused,
abused, improperly used by user; used not in accordance
with any product warnings, precautions or instructions
%00B%%5(15 11/28/2005, 12:05 PM2

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Andere handleiding(en) van Oregon Scientific BBM211

Oregon Scientific BBM211 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 9 pagina's

Oregon Scientific BBM211 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 10 pagina's

Oregon Scientific BBM211 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Français - 9 pagina's

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