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Clean the product with a slightly damp cloth and alcohol-
free, mild detergent. Avoid dropping the product or
placing it in a high-traffic location.
This product is designed to give you years of service if
handled properly. Oregon Scientific will not be
responsible for any deviations in the usage of the device
from those specified in the user instructions or any
unapproved alterations or repairs of the product.
Observe the following guidelines:
Never immerse the product in water. This can cause
electrical shock and damage the product.
Do not subject the main unit to extreme force, shock,
or fluctuations in temperature or humidity.
Do not tamper with the internal components.
Do not mix new and old batteries or batteries of
different types.
Do not use rechargeable batteries with this product.
Remove the batteries if storing this product for a long
period of time.
Do not scratch the LCD display.
The technical specification of this product and
contents of this user manual are subject to change
without notice. Images not drawn to scale.
Strange date /
Change language
Cannot adjust
Disable radio-
controlled clock (
Cannot auto-
1. Adjust batteries
2. Press RESET
3. Manually activate
clock (
Shows "LLL" or
Temperature is out-of-
Cannot locate
remote sensor
Check batteries (
Main Unit Dimensions
L x W x H 225 x 24 x 141 mm
(8.86 x 0.94 x 5.55 inches)
Weight 542 grams (1.19 lbs)
without battery
Remote Control Dimensions
L x W x H 108 x 17 x 39 mm
(4.25 x 0.67 x 1.54 inches)
Weight 34 grams (0.08 lbs)
without battery
Remote Sensor Dimensions
L x W x H 70 x 24.5 x 116 mm
(2.76 x 0.96 x 4.57 inches)
Weight 108 grams (0.24 lbs)
without battery
Unit °C or °F
Indoor Range -5°C to 50°C
(23°F to 122°F)
Outdoor Range -20°C to 60°C
(-4°F to 140°F)
Resolution 0.1°C (0.2°F)
Memory Min / Max
Weather Forecast
Display Sunny (day / night),
partly cloudy (day /
night), cloudy, rainy,
Remote Unit (RTHR328N)
RF frequency 433 MHz
Range Up to 30 metres
(100 feet) with
no obstructions
Transmission Approx. every 1 minute
Channel No. 1, 2, 3, 4 or 5
Unit °C or °F
Radio-Controlled Clock
Synchronization Auto or disabled
Clock display HH:MM
Hour format 12hr AM / PM
(MSF format)
24hr (DCF format)
Calendar DD / MM or MM / DD;
Day of the week in 1 of 5
languages (E, G, F, I, S)
Alarm Daily with 2-minute
Snooze 8-minute snooze
(operated by remote
control only)
Main unit
Batteries 4 x UM-3 (AA) 1.5V
Remote Control
Batteries 2 x UM-4 (AAA) 1.5V
Remote Sensor
Batteries 2 x UM-3 (AA) 1.5V
BAR289 ENG R5 7/28/04, 12:35 PM9

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Andere handleiding(en) van Oregon Scientific BAR289

Oregon Scientific BAR289 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 12 pagina's

Oregon Scientific BAR289 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 13 pagina's

Oregon Scientific BAR289 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Français - 13 pagina's

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