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The Dew Point of the weather
station is reporting "LL" or limited to
0°C (32°F) and Virtual Weather
Station is reporting a value
The Oregon Scientific unit does not report dew points below 0°C (32°F)
but Virtual Weather Station continues to report these values.
The sea-level barometer does not
report what is entered in the Station
Settings window.
Virtual Weather Station only reports the sea-level barometer from your
The software is reporting a cloud
base when there are no clouds in
This is only an estimate based on relative humidity and temperature.
Other weather parameters affect the cloud base, and should only be used
as an estimate.
A Virtual Weather Station parameter
displays a different number than the
station console
Make sure that you have not entered a calibration. Changing the
calibration of a sensor will not change the value on the display.
The Daily Rain is not correct The program must be running at midnight for today's daily rainfall to be
correct. The Weather Station does not store daily rainfall.
The monthly rainfall reported in the
NOAA report does not agree with
the sum of the daily rainfall.
This is due to the station total rainfall reset by the user, or the values for
minimum or maximum rain edited by the user.
How do I change my NOAA report
This is done in the Archive Settings window, and not the database.
When I update one of the fields in
the daily summary data, this change
is not updated in the monthly or
yearly summary data.
You must edit each of these data fields. For example, if the minimum
temperature on January 9, 2000 is changed, and it is the minimum for the
month and year, you must change this field in the monthly summary panel
and the yearly summary panel.
The Alarm Sound will not play This feature requires a sound card. This is not a problem with VWS, but
with your sound card. Contact your sound card manufacturer
Some of the check boxes on the
Parameters Display Panel are
Not all parameters can be displayed with all of the weather elements. For
example, graphs require historical data, and it does not make sense to
plot sunrise.
The displays do not retain their
position when exiting the program.
Make sure you have enough memory in your computer to save the
displays. The display positions are saved in the file
VWS\setup\position.bin. If this file is corrupted, close VWS, delete this file
and restart Virtual Weather Station. You will need to reset the displays
again. Try a different drive. The drive you installed Virtual Weather Station
on may be read only.
After hiding Virtual Weather Station
with the taskbar icon, and recalling
the display by double clicking on the
taskbar, the window does not
This is a Windows problem. Minimize and maximize the application again
to refresh.
One of the sensors is not updating,
and VWS will not begin executing.
Virtual Weather Station requires all of your sensors to operate to properly
obtain data. If one sensor is not functioning due to batteries or
interference, deselect this sensor.
My system clock is losing time when
I run Virtual Weather Station.
Use the Synchronization feature in Virtual Weather Station. Select
SettingsXSynchronize Date and Time from the menu bar. NOTE You
must be the administrator on a Windows NT or above machine for this to
You may have a bad ROM BIOS chip or your computer motherboard may
need a new battery. Power management software in Windows can also
cause clock time loss. When you connect your weather station to the
communication port, Windows must process interrupts to read this data.
With weather stations, this occurs every 3 seconds. This causes the clock
to slow down. If your computer is running other utilities such as an anti-
virus program, the clock speed may be affected even more.
The language does not change
when changed from English
Virtual Weather Station provides limited foreign language support. To
change the titles to the language of choice, edit each individual display.
What are channels 1, 2 and 3? Channels 1, 2 and 3 are designated channels for the optional sensors.
I commonly receive timeouts during
Increase the CPU usage during FTP operation by selecting InternetXFTP
General SettingsXMax CPU During FTP
Why does "WINOLDAP" run
multiple times and not shutdown?
Virtual Weather Station accesses some applications through the
command line. This is because WINOLDAP is not being automatically

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Andere handleiding(en) van Oregon Scientific AP 928 - WMR928NX

Oregon Scientific AP 928 - WMR928NX Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 29 pagina's

Oregon Scientific AP 928 - WMR928NX Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 26 pagina's

Oregon Scientific AP 928 - WMR928NX Gebruiksaanwijzing - Français - 8 pagina's

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