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- Nominal voltage: See rating plate
- Frequency: 45-60 Hz
- Breaking power: 16A – 4A X 250 V ~
- Own consumption: 5 VA
- Fuse: 100 mA
Protected against power supply cuts of up to 10 min (after 1 hour of connection at
- Precision: ±0.2%
- Temperature range:
Operating conditions ......................-10°C to +45°C
Operating limit conditions.................-20°C to +55°C
Storage conditions............................-25°C to +70°C
- Casing protection: IP 20 to UNE 20-324
- Immunity to rapid electrical transitories: Level 3 to IEC 801-4
- Resistance to ray type pulses: 6 kv 12/50 μs to UNE 20.324
- Maximum number of coins or tokens: 99
- Timing by coin or token
- Maximum: 150 hours/coin
- Minimum: 1 minute/coin
- Coin types. Only one of the following types: 0,50€, 1€ and 2€.
Example 1: We wish an installation to operate with a minimum of 2 coins for which we
wish there to be a total timing of 1 hour, i.e.
1 coin = 0
2 coins = 1 hour
3 coins = 1 hour 30 minutes
4 coins = 2 hours
5 coins = 2 hours 30 minutes
For this we will have to configure the CTM ELECTRÓNICO in the following way:
- Turn SW1 until it indicates the number 2. In this way we define that timing
does not start until the second coin is inserted.
- Set SW2 switches 1, 2 and 5 to OFF and switches 3 and 4 to ON (normal
timing = 30 minutes/coin).
- Turn SW4 until it indicates the number 0. In this way we deactivate
special timing.
- Press the RESET button (SW7) to validate the programme.
Example 2: We wish to regulate the use of an installation in such a way that each coin
has a timing time of 1 hour but each coin after the fourth coin has a timing time of 3
hours, i.e.
1 coin = 1 hour
2 coins = 2 hours
3 coins = 3 hours
4 coins = 12 hours
5 coins = 15 hours
6 coins = 18 hours
Furthermore, we wish the early warning to be activated 30 seconds before the end of
the metered time. For this we will have to configure the CTM ELECTRÓNICO in the
following way:
- Turn SW1 until it indicates the number 1. In this way we define that timing
will start when the user inserts the first coin.
- Set SW2 switches 1, 2, 3 and 4 to OFF and switch 5 to ON (normal
timing = 1 hour/coin).
- Turn SW4 until it indicates the number 4 (special timing after the fourth
- Set SW3 switches 1, 3 and 4 to OFF and switches 2 and 5 to ON (special
timing = 3 hours/coin). - Set SW3 switch 6 to OFF (short early warning).
- Press the RESET button (SW7) to validate the programme.
Example 3: We wish an installation to operate with a minimum of three coins for which
we wish there to be a total timing of 1 hour, i.e.
1 coin = 0
2 coins = 0
3 coins = 1 hour
4 coins = 1 hour 20 minutes
5 coins = 1 hour 40 minutes
6 coins = 2 hours
Furthermore, we wish the early warning to be activated 4 minutes before the end of the
metered time. For this configuration we will have to:
- Turn SW1 until it indicates the number 3. In this way we define that timing
does not start until the third coin is inserted.
- Set SW2 switches 3 and 5 to OFF and switches 1, 2 and 4 to ON (normal
timing = 20 minutes/coin).
- Turn SW4 until it indicates the number 0. In this way we deactivate
special timing.
- Set SW3 switch 6 to ON (long early warning)
- Press the RESET button (SW7) to validate the programme.
Lérida, 61 E–28020 MADRID
Teléfono:+ 34 91 5672277; Fax:+34 91 5714006
E-mail: info@ orbis.es

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