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(B) Flash Drive (1)
(C) Ethernet Cable (1)
(A) OPU (1)
(E) IP Camera
2 Cameras or 4 Cameras depending on Package)
(F) IP Camera
Power Adapter (
1 per Camera)
Mounng Screws (
4 per Camera)
Screw Anchors (4 per Camera)
(G) Door/Window Sensor (2)
Spacer (2)
Baery (2)
Double-sided Tape (4)
(H) Moon Sensor (1)
Baery (1)
Double-sided Tapes (3)
Congratulaons! You have successfully installed the security system!
Need customer support? Please call us at 1-888-212-2254
or email at Support@OplinkSecurity.com
• Set up an account with your smartphone
Launch the “Oplink mi Security” applicaon. Follow the instrucons on the applicaon page to
acvate your account using your phone number.
• Acvaon completed
When you see the “System is ready!” message, your system is ready for use.
Note: Your IP Camera status will be updated aer 10 minutes.
For complete user manuals and installaon videos, please visit
Package Contents (for indoor use only)
PT IP Camera
Add on Devices
View more on our webstore
RF Repeater WiFi Smart Plug
Panic Button
Remote Control (2)
Window Decal (3)
* Trigger the Panic Alarm feature
by pressing the Arm buon for
3 seconds
• Download the Oplink App
Android: Open Google Play Store. Search for “Oplink mi Security” and install the applicaon.
iPhone: Open App Store. Search for “Oplink mi Security” and install the applicaon.
Windows: Open Marketplace. Search for “Oplink” and install the applicaon.
2013 Oplink Communicaons, Inc. All rights reserved.
For the latest version of
Oplink Terms and Condions,
please visit our website.
• Power up the IP Camera
Plug the IP Camera into an outlet within 5 feet of the OPU to establish connecon. Once
connecon is established and working, the IP camera can be moved to its desired locaon.
The camera can be moved
and mounted aer the
inial acvaon.
Note: Should the placement of the camera cause the image to be upside-down, use the Flip
feature in the App to correct this maer. Video > Single Video Mode > Image Seng
(I) Siren with Power Adapter (1)
Double-sided Tape (1)
Mounng Screws (2)
Screw Anchors (2)
Assemble the OPU staon and connect to a router
Assemble the system according to the provided picture. It is recommended that the OPU be
placed on a 3-5 (0.91-1.52m) high plaorm.
Note: Once the OPU is up and running, to establish proper connecon to it, power up the remaining devices within 5 feet of
the OPU. When connecon is established and working, the devices can be moved to their desired locaons.
Setup GuideB
(Sample QR Code)
Note: When the acvaon
process cannot be completed
normally, the App will ask you
to scan the OPU’s QR code,
located on the back of the
OPU, to connue.
• Start device acvaon on the App
Tap the “Acvate Now” buon.
(Acvaon process takes approximately 2 minutes)
• Power up the Siren
Plug the Siren into an outlet within 5 feet of the OPU to establish connecon. Once connecon
is established and working, the Siren can be moved to its desired locaon. Your Siren comes with
a backup baery pre-installed. To make use of the backup baery, pull and remove the clear
plasc strip to iniate baery contact.
(not included)
• Install Door/Window Sensor baeries
Each Door/Window Sensor set consists of two pieces. Take the larger piece and with slight force,
push the small tab on the back plate outward and slide the back plate upward. Remove the back
plate and insert a baery into each Door/Window Sensor set. Apply the double-sided tape to each
piece. It is recommended that the Door/Window Sensor be mounted in a vercal/upright posion.
1/4 inch Max
Mount Door Sensor
Note: For the Door/Window Sensor, it does not maer which piece you
place on the frame and which piece you place on the moving part.
To create proper contact, ensure the tops of the two pieces line up.
The Spacer is used in situaons where the smaller piece needs to be
elevated to the larger piece to ensure proper contact.
Mount Window Sensor
(G) Door/Window Sensor
Baery Installaon
(H) Moon Sensor
Baery Installaon
• Place the Moon Sensor
Li the top tab to remove the cover and install the baery into the Moon Sensor. For maximum
coverage, the sensor should be placed in the corner of the room to be monitored and no more
than 7 feet above the ground. The Moon Sensor is most effecve in areas such as hallways and
entry points where possible intruders will have to pass through.
Mount Moon Sensor
(D) OPU Power Adapter (1)
Inactivity Sensor

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Andere handleiding(en) van Oplink TripleShield

Oplink TripleShield Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 128 pagina's

Oplink TripleShield Installatiehandleiding - Nederlands - 17 pagina's

Oplink TripleShield Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 26 pagina's

Oplink TripleShield Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 128 pagina's

Oplink TripleShield Installatiehandleiding - Deutsch - 17 pagina's

Oplink TripleShield Gebruiksaanwijzing - English - 128 pagina's

Oplink TripleShield Installatiehandleiding - English - 17 pagina's

Oplink TripleShield Gebruiksaanwijzing - English - 27 pagina's

Oplink TripleShield Gebruiksaanwijzing - Français - 128 pagina's

Oplink TripleShield Installatiehandleiding - Français, Italiano - 17 pagina's

Oplink TripleShield Gebruiksaanwijzing - Espanõl - 128 pagina's

Oplink TripleShield Installatiehandleiding - Espanõl - 17 pagina's

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