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About Home Theater
Thanks to the AV receiver’s superb capabilities, you can enjoy surround sound with a real sense of movement in your
own home—just like being in a movie theater or concert hall. With DVDs you can enjoy DTS and Dolby Digital. With
analog or digital TV, you can enjoy Dolby Pro Logic IIx, DTS Neo:6, or Onkyo’s original DSP listening modes. You
can also enjoy THX Surround EX (THX-certified THX speaker system recommended).
Enjoying Home Theater
1/3 of wall
Surround back left and right speakers
These speakers are necessary to enjoy Dolby Digital
EX, DTS-ES Matrix, DTS-ES Discrete, THX Surround
EX, etc. They enhance the realism of surround sound
and improve sound localization behind the listener. Posi-
tion them behind the listener about 2–3 feet
(60–100 cm) above ear level.
Surround left and right speakers
These speakers are used for precise
sound positioning and to add realistic
Position them at the sides of the lis-
tener, or slightly behind, about
2–3 feet (60–100 cm) above ear
level. Ideally they should be equally
spaced from the listener.
Center speaker
This speaker enhances the front left
and right speakers, making sound
movements distinct and providing a
full sound image. For movies it’s used
mainly for dialog.
Position it close to your TV (preferably
on top) facing forward at about ear
level, or at the same height as the
front left and right speakers.
The subwoofer handles the bass sounds of the
LFE (Low-Frequency Effects) channel. The
volume and quality of the bass output from
your subwoofer will depend on its position, the
shape of your listening room, and your listen-
ing position. In general, a good bass sound
can be obtained by installing the subwoofer in
a front corner, or at one-third the way along the
front wall, as shown.
Tip: To find the best position for your sub-
woofer, while playing a movie or some music
with good bass, experiment by placing your
subwoofer at various positions within the room
and choose the one that provides the most
satisfying results.
Front left and right speakers
These output the main sound. Their role in a home theater is to provide a solid
anchor for the sound image. They should be positioned facing the listener at
about ear level, and equally spaced from the TV. Angle them inward slightly
so as to create a triangle, with the listener at the apex.

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Andere handleiding(en) van Onkyo TX-NR906

Onkyo TX-NR906 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 294 pagina's

Onkyo TX-NR906 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch, Italiano - 294 pagina's

Onkyo TX-NR906 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Svenska - 294 pagina's

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