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5.1ch Home Cinema Package
SN 29400781A
(C) Copyright 2012 Onkyo Sound & Vision Corporation Japan. All rights reserved.
2-1, Nisshin-cho, Neyagawa-shi, OSAKA 572-8540, JAPAN
Tel: 072-831-8023 Fax: 072-831-8163
18 Park Way, Upper Saddle River, N.J. 07458, U.S.A.
Tel: 800-229-1687, 201-785-2600 Fax: 201-785-2650
Liegnitzerstrasse 6, 82194 Groebenzell, GERMANY
Tel: +49-8142-4401-0 Fax: +49-8142-4208-213
The Coach House 81A High Street, Marlow, Buckinghamshire, SL7 1AB, UK
Tel: +44-(0)1628-473-350 Fax: +44-(0)1628-401-700
Unit 1033, 10/F, Star House, No 3, Salisbury Road, Tsim Sha Tsui Kowloon, Hong Kong.
Tel: 852-2429-3118 Fax: 852-2428-9039
1301, 555 Tower, No.555 West NanJin Road, Jin an, Shanghai,
China 200041, Tel: 86-21-52131366 Fax: 86-21-52130396
Using the Rubber Stoppers for a More Stable Platform
Attaching and detaching the speaker grilles
Front speaker (SKF-648) Center speaker (SKC-648) Surround speaker (SKR-648)
Front speakers
Speaker cables 3.5 m
Center speaker
Speaker cable 3.0 m
Surround speakers
Speaker cables 8.0 m
12 rubber stoppers* (For Front/Surround speakers)
4 rubber stoppers
Configuration of the rubber stoppers may be different from the figure, such as being 2 sheets instead of 1 sheet, but the total number will be same.
We recommend using the supplied rubber stoppers to achieve
the best possible sound from your speakers.
The rubber stoppers prevent the speakers from moving,
providing a more stable platform.
The front, center and surround speakers have detachable grilles.
See the right illustrations to attach or detach them.
Speaker terminals
Speaker terminals
Rubber stoppers
Bottom of the
Bottom of the
Rubber stoppers
Removal Replacement
The Auto Standby function turns the subwoofer on when the input signal exceeds a
certain level. If the Auto Standby function does not work reliably, try slightly increasing
or decreasing the subwoofer output level on your receiver.
If the Standby/On indicator lights (both red and blue LEDs) several seconds or minutes
after the sound output stopped, this means that the amp protection circuit has been acti-
vated. In this case, set the OUTPUT LEVEL control to the center position, and discon-
nect the power cord from the AC outlet. Wait at least 10 seconds, and then reconnect the
power cord. If that doesn’t solve the issue, contact your Onkyo dealer.
Setting the Subwoofer Level
To set the level of the subwoofer, use the OUTPUT LEVEL control.
Set it so that bass sounds are evenly balanced with the treble sounds
from the other speakers. Because our ears are less sensitive to very
low bass sounds, there’s a temptation to set the level of the
subwoofer too high. As a rule of thumb, set the subwoofer level to
what you think is the optimal level, and then back it off slightly.
Using the Floor Pads for Subwoofer
If the subwoofer is placed on a hard floor
(wood, vinyl, tile, etc.) and playback is very
loud, the subwoofer’s feet may damage the
flooring. To prevent this, place the supplied
pads underneath the subwoofer’s feet. The pads
also provide a stable base for the subwoofer.
Subwoofer (SKW-501E)
RCA cable 3.0 m
4 floor pads
STANDBY/ON indicator
Red: Subwoofer in standby mode
Blue: Subwoofer on
With the Auto Standby function, the SKW-501E
automatically turns on when an input signal is
detected in Standby mode. When there’s no input
signal for a while, the SKW-501E automatically
enters Standby mode.
POWER switch
Press this switch to the ON position to turn on the
power. Press it to the OFF position to turn off the
This control is used to adjust the volume of the
This RCA input should be connected to the
subwoofer pre out on your AV receiver with
supplied RCA cable.
To AC outlet
Enjoying Home Cinema
The Home Cinema means that you can enjoy surround sound with a real sense of movement in your own home — just like being in
a movie theater or concert hall.
Connecting the Speakers
1/3 of wall
Center speaker (SKC-648)
Position it close to your TV (prefer-
ably on top) facing forward at about
ear level, or at the same height as the
front left and right speakers.
Front left and right speakers (SKF-648)
They should be positioned facing the listener at about ear level,
and equally spaced from the TV. Angle them inward slightly so as
to create a triangle, with the listener at the apex.
Surround left and right speakers (SKR-648)
Position them at the sides of the listener, or
slightly behind, about 60 to 100 cm above ear
level. Ideally they should be equally spaced
from the listener.
Subwoofer (SKW-501E)
The subwoofer handles the bass sounds of the LFE (Low-Frequency Effects)
channel and bass from the satellite speakers when a crossover is specified.
The volume and quality of the bass output from your subwoofer will depend
on its position, the shape of your listening room, and your listening position.
In general, a good bass sound can be obtained by installing the subwoofer in
a front corner, or at one-third the way along the front wall, as shown.
Front right
Center speaker
Front left
Surround right
Speaker Connection
Read the following before connecting your
Turn off your receiver before making any
Pay close attention to speaker
wiring polarity. Connect
positive (+) terminals to only
positive (+) terminals, and
negative (–) terminals to only
negative (–) terminals. If the speakers are
wired incorrectly, the sound will be out of
phase and will sound unnatural.
• Be careful not to short the positive and
negative wires. Doing so may damage
your amp.
With other audio-video components, connect
the subwoofer’s LINE INPUT to the subwoofer
pre out jack of your equipment. Never plug any
kind of musical instrument to the subwoofer.
Using the supplied RCA cable,
connect the subwoofer’s LINE
INPUT to your AV receiver’s
Surround left
Powered Subwoofer (SKW-501E)
Front Speakers (SKF-648)
Center Speaker (SKC-648)
Surround Speakers (SKR-648)
Specifications and appearance are subject to change without
prior notice.
For non-magnetic shielded speakers:
Try moving the speakers away from your TV or monitor. If discoloration should occur, turn off your TV or monitor, wait 15 to 30
minutes, and then turn it back on again. This normally activates the degaussing function, which neutralizes the magnetic field,
thereby removing any discoloration effects.
Type Bass-Reflex
Input sensitivity/impedance 410 mV / 20 k
Rated output Power (IEC) 80 watts minimum continuous power,
4 ohms, driven at 100 Hz with a
maximum total harmonic distortion of
Frequency response 27 Hz to 150 Hz
Cabinet capacity 24.5 L
Dimensions (W × H × D) 230 mm × 425 mm × 412 mm
(incl. grille and projection)
Weight 9.1 kg
Drivers unit 20 cm Cone Woofer × 1
Power supply (HTP-648) AC 230V, 50Hz
(SKS-HT648) AC 220-240V, 50/60 Hz
Power consumption 105 W
Other Auto Standby function
Non-magnetic shielding
Type 2 Way Closed Box
Impedance 6
Maximum input power 130 W
Sensitivity 79 dB/W/m
Frequency response 70 Hz to 50 kHz
Crossover frequency 7 kHz
Cabinet capacity 0.9 L
Dimensions (W × H × D) 102 mm × 170 mm × 105 mm
(incl. grille and projection)
Weight 1.0 kg
Drivers unit 8 cm Cone Woofer × 1
2.5 cm Balanced Dome Tweeter × 1
Term ina l Spring type color coded
Grille Detachable
Insert nut Available
Other Magnetic shielding
Type 2 Way Closed Box
Impedance 6
Maximum input power 130 W
Sensitivity 82 dB/W/m
Frequency response 70 Hz to 50 kHz
Crossover frequency 7 kHz
Cabinet capacity 1.3 L
Dimensions (W × H × D) 277 mm × 110 mm × 110 mm
(incl. grille and projection)
Weight 1.7 kg
Drivers unit 8 cm Cone Woofer × 2
2.5 cm Balanced Dome Tweeter × 1
Terminal Spring type color coded
Grille Detachable
Insert nut Available
Other Magnetic shielding
Type Full Range Closed Box
Impedance 6
Maximum input power 130 W
Sensitivity 80 dB/W/m
Frequency response 80 Hz to 20 kHz
Cabinet capacity 0.9 L
Dimensions (W × H × D) 102 mm × 170 mm × 105 mm
(incl. grille and projection)
Weight 0.9 kg
Drivers unit 8 cm Cone × 1
Terminal Spring type color coded
Grille Detachable
Insert nut Available
Other Magnetic shielding

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Andere handleiding(en) van Onkyo SKS-HT648

Onkyo SKS-HT648 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 2 pagina's

Onkyo SKS-HT648 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 2 pagina's

Onkyo SKS-HT648 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Français - 2 pagina's

Onkyo SKS-HT648 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Italiano - 2 pagina's

Onkyo SKS-HT648 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Espanõl - 2 pagina's

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