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The speakers can handle the specified input
power when used for normal music reproduc-
tion. If any of the following signals are fed to
them, even if the input power is within the
specified rating, excessive current may flow in
the speaker coils, causing burning or wire
1. Interstation noise from an untuned FM
2. Sound from fast-forwarding a cassette tape.
3. High-pitched sounds generated by an oscil-
lator, electronic musical instrument, and so
4. Amplifier oscillation.
5. Special test tones from audio test CDs and
so on.
6. Thumps and clicks caused by connecting or
disconnecting audio cables (Always turn
off your amplifier before connecting or dis-
connecting cables.)
7. Microphone feedback.
The speakers contain strong magnets, so do
not put magnetic or iron objects such as
screwdrivers close to them. If you do, the
object may be attached to the magnets, caus-
ing personal injury or damage to the dia-
Wipe the cabinet occasionally with a dry silica
or soft cloth. For heavier dirt, after dampening
a soft cloth in a weak solution of mild deter-
gent and water and wringing it out dry, wipe
off the dirt. Then, dry immediately with a
clean cloth. Do not use rough material, thin-
ners, alcohol or other chemical solvents or
cloths since these could damage the finish,
remove the panel lettering, or cause discolor-
ation. If you are using a chemical cloth, always
follow the instructions that come with the
cloth. For dust accumulated on grilles, use a
vacuum cleaner or brush it off.
TVs and computer monitors are magnetically
sensitive devices and as such are likely to suf-
fer discoloration or picture distortion when
conventional speakers are placed nearby. To
prevent this, the SKC-22X and SKR-22X
speaker features internal magnetic shielding.
In some situations, however, discoloration may
still be an issue, in which case you should turn
off your TV or monitor, wait 15 to 30 minutes,
and then turn it back on again. This normally
activates the degaussing function, which neu-
tralizes the magnetic field, thereby removing
any discoloration effects. If discoloration prob-
lems persist, try moving the speakers away
from your TV or monitor. Note that discolor-
ation can also be caused by a magnet or
demagnetizing tool that’s too close to your TV
or monitor.
Operating Precautions
Speaker Care
Use with a TV Set or Computer

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