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Using the Listening Modes
The AV receiver’s listening modes can transform your
listening room into a movie theater or concert hall, with
high fidelity and stunning surround sound.
Pure Audio (not North American models)
In this mode, the display and video circuitry are turned
off, minimizing possible noise sources for the ultimate in
high-fidelity reproduction. (As the video circuitry is
turned off, no video signals are output in this mode.)
In this mode, audio from the input source is output
directly with minimal processing, providing high-fidel-
ity reproduction. All of the source’s audio channels are
output as they are.
Sound is output by the front left and right speakers and
Use this mode when watching an old movie with a mono
soundtrack, or use it with the foreign language
soundtracks recorded in the left and right channels of
some movies. It can also be used with DVDs or other
sources containing multiplexed audio, such as karaoke
Dolby Pro Logic IIx
Dolby Pro Logic II
Dolby Pro Logic IIx
expands any 2-channel source for
7.1-channel playback. It provides a very natural and
seamless surround-sound experience that fully envelops
the listener. As well as music and movies, video games
can also benefit from the dramatic spatial effects and
vivid imaging. If you’re not using any surround back
Dolby Pro Logic II
will be used instead of
Dolby Pro Logic IIx.
PLIIx Movie
Use this mode with any stereo or Dolby Surround
(Pro Logic) movie (e.g., TV, DVD, VHS).
PLIIx Music
Use this mode with any stereo or Dolby Surround
(Pro Logic) music source (e.g., CD, radio, cassette,
PLIIx Game
Use this mode with video games, especially those that
bear the Dolby Pro Logic II logo.
Dolby Digital
Use this mode with DVDs that bear the
Dolby Digital logo, and Dolby Digital TV
broadcasts. This is the most common digital surround-
sound format, and it’ll put you right in the middle of the
action, just like being in a movie theater or concert hall.
Dolby Digital EX
DTS+Dolby EX
These modes expand 5.1-channel Dolby
Digital and DTS sources for 6.1/7.1-chan-
nel playback. They’re especially suited to
Dolby Digital EX soundtracks that include
a matrix-encoded surround back channel. The additional
channel adds an extra dimension and provides an envel-
oping surround sound experience, perfect for rotating
and fly-by sound effects. Use them with DVDs that bear
the Dolby Digital or DTS logo.
Dolby Digital+PLIIx Music
These modes use the Pro Logic IIx Music
mode to expand 5.1-channel Dolby Digital
and DTS sources for 6.1/7.1-channel play-
back. Use them with Dolby Digital or
DTS 5.1 music sources (e.g., DVD and Dolby Digital TV
Dolby Digital+PLIIx Movie
These modes use the Pro Logic IIx Movie
mode to expand 5.1-channel Dolby Digital
and DTS sources for 7.1-channel play-
back. Use them with Dolby Digital and
DTS 5.1 movies (e.g., DVD and select digital TV broad-
The DTS digital surround-sound format supports
up to 5.1 discrete channels and uses less com-
pression for high-fidelity reproduction. Use it
with DVDs and CDs that bear the DTS logo.
DTS 96/24
This mode is for use with DTS 96/24
sources. This is high-resolution DTS with a
96 kHz sampling rate and 24-bit resolution, providing
superior fidelity. Use it with DVDs that bear the DTS
96/24 logo.
DTS-ES Discrete
This mode is for use with DTS-ES Discrete
soundtracks, which use a discrete surround
back channel for true 6.1/7.1-channel playback. The
seven totally separate audio channels provide better spa-
tial imaging and 360-degree sound localization, perfect
for sounds that pan across the surround channels. Use it
with DVDs that bear the DTS-ES logo, especially those
with a DTS-ES Discrete soundtrack.
About the Listening Modes
The illustration shows which speakers are active in
each listening mode with 7.1 channel speaker sys-
Front left Center Front right
Surround rightSurround
back left/ right
Surround left

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