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Getting Started
With the Onkyo RI Dock, you can easily play the
music stored on your Apple iPod/iPhone
through your Onkyo audio system and enjoy
great sound, and watch iPod/iPhone slide-
shows and videos on your TV. In addition, the
onscreen display (OSD) allows you to view, nav-
igate, and select your iPod/iPhone model’s con-
tents on your TV, and with the supplied remote
controller, you can control your iPod/iPhone
from the comfort of your sofa. You can even use
your Onkyo amp’s remote controller to operate
your iPod/iPhone.
, which stands for Remote Interactive, is an
exclusive Onkyo control system that allows all
-capable Onkyo audio components to be
turned on or off together, and your amp to turn
on automatically and select the appropriate
input source when playback is started on a
source component. It also allows you to control
your iPod/iPhone with your amps remote con-
In this manual, the DS-A4 Remote Interactive
Dock is referred to as the “RI Dock.
Compatible iPod/iPhone models
Made for:
iPod touch (1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th genera-
iPod classic
iPod (4th and 5th generation)
iPod nano (1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th and 6th
iPod mini
iPhone 4, iPhone 3GS, iPhone 3G, iPhone
iPod/iPhone Video Playback
Resume Music and Video Playback Func-
Component video output to television is
supported by iPhone 4, iPhone 3GS, iPod
nano (3rd generation and later), iPod
touch (2nd generation and later), and
iPod classic at 480p or 576p resolution;
and by iPhone 3G, iPhone, and iPod touch
(1st generation) at 480i or 576i resolution
Onscreen Display to Show iPod/iPhone
model’s contents
Dedicated Remote Control Supplied
Gold-Plated Audio/Video Outputs
Connectable with any Onkyo RI-compati-
ble A/V Systems or Components
Remote Control Operability via Onkyos
Remote Interactive (RI) System
Recharging Function via AC
Available in Black Only
Make sure you have the following items:
About the RI Dock
Package Contents
Before using the RI Dock, update your
iPod/iPhone with the latest software,
available from the Apple Web site at:
For the latest information on the RI Dock,
see the Onkyo Web site at:
• DS-A4 Remote Interactive
• Remote controller
• AC adapter
• AV cable
Button-type battery
(CR 2025)
Instruction manual
• Component video conversion cable

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Andere handleiding(en) van Onkyo DS-A4

Onkyo DS-A4 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands, Deutsch - 60 pagina's

Onkyo DS-A4 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Français - 32 pagina's

Onkyo DS-A4 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Italiano - 60 pagina's

Onkyo DS-A4 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Espanõl - 32 pagina's

Onkyo DS-A4 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Svenska - 60 pagina's

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