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1. Recording Copyright—Unless it’s for personal use
only, recording copyrighted material is illegal
without the permission of the copyright holder.
2. AC Fuse—The AC fuse inside the unit is not user-
serviceable. If you cannot turn on the unit, contact
your Onkyo dealer.
3. Care
—Occasionally you should dust the unit all over
with a soft cloth. For stubborn stains, use a soft cloth
dampened with a weak solution of mild detergent and
water. Dry the unit immediately afterwards with a
clean cloth. Don’t use abrasive cloths, thinners,
alcohol, or other chemical solvents, because they
may damage the finish or remove the panel lettering.
4. Power
AC outlet voltages vary from country to country.
Make sure that the voltage in your area meets the
voltage requirements printed on the unit’s rear panel
(e.g., AC 230 V, 50 Hz or AC 120 V, 60 Hz).
The power cord plug is used to disconnect this unit
from the AC power source. Make sure that the plug
is readily operable (easily accessible) at all times.
For models with [POWER] button, or with both
[POWER] and [ON/STANDBY] buttons:
Pressing the [POWER] button to select OFF mode
does not fully disconnect from the mains. If you do
not intend to use the unit for an extended period,
remove the power cord from the AC outlet.
For models with [ON/STANDBY] button only:
Pressing the [ON/STANDBY] button to select
Standby mode does not fully disconnect from the
mains. If you do not intend to use the unit for an
extended period, remove the power cord from the
AC outlet.
5. Preventing Hearing Loss
Excessive sound pressure from earphones and
headphones can cause hearing loss.
6. Batteries and Heat Exposure
Batteries (battery pack or batteries installed) shall
not be exposed to excessive heat as sunshine, fire or
the like.
7. Never Touch this Unit with Wet Hands—Never
handle this unit or its power cord while your hands
are wet or damp. If water or any other liquid gets
inside this unit, have it checked by your Onkyo
8. Handling Notes
If you need to transport this unit, use the original
packaging to pack it how it was when you
originally bought it.
Do not leave rubber or plastic items on this unit
for a long time, because they may leave marks on
the case.
This unit’s top and rear panels may get warm
after prolonged use. This is normal.
If you do not use this unit for a long time, it may
not work properly the next time you turn it on, so
be sure to use it occasionally.
When you’ve finished using this unit, remove all
discs and turn off the power.
9. Installing this Unit
Install this unit in a well-ventilated location.
Ensure that there’s adequate ventilation all
around this unit, especially if it’s installed in an
audio rack. If the ventilation is inadequate, the
unit may overheat, leading to malfunction.
Do not expose this unit to direct sunlight or heat
sources, because its internal temperature may
rise, shortening the life of the optical pickup.
Avoid damp and dusty places, and places subject
to vibrations from loudspeakers. Never put the
unit on top of, or directly above a loudspeaker.
Install this unit horizontally. Never use it on its
side or on a sloping surface, because it may cause
a malfunction.
If you install this unit near a TV, radio, or VCR,
the picture and sound quality may be affected. If
this occurs, move this unit away from the TV,
radio, or VCR.
10. Moisture Condensation
Moisture condensation may damage this unit.
Read the following carefully:
Moisture may condense on the lens of the optical
pickup, one of the most important parts inside this
Moisture condensation can occur in the following
The unit is moved from a cold place to a warm
A heater is turned on, or cold air from an air
conditioner is hitting the unit.
In the summer, when this unit is moved from
an air conditioned room to a hot and humid
The unit is used in a humid place.
Do not use this unit when there’s the possibility
of moisture condensation occurring. Doing so
may damage your discs and certain parts inside
this unit.
If condensation does occur, unplug the power cord
and leave the unit for two to three hours in the room
This unit contains a semiconductor laser system and is
classified as a “CLASS 1 LASER PRODUCT”. So, to
use this model properly, read this Instruction Manual
carefully. In case of any trouble, please contact the store
where you purchased the unit.
To prevent being exposed to the laser beam, do not try to
open the enclosure.

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Andere handleiding(en) van Onkyo CS-245DAB

Onkyo CS-245DAB Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch, Français, Svenska - 116 pagina's

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