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Installing the Batteries
Your ONE FOR ALL 4 Remote needs 2 new "AA/LR6" Alkaline batteries.
1 Remove the battery cover from the back of your ONE FOR ALL 4 by
pressing down on the arrow on the battery cover and sliding it
2 Match the batteries to the + and – marks inside the battery case,
then insert the batteries.
3 Slide the battery cover back into place until it clicks. Make sure the
battery cover is secure.
Please refer to the picture of the ONE FOR ALL 4 Remote Control on
Page 3.
1 Power Key:
The Power key controls the same function as it did on your original
2 Device Keys:
The TV, VCR, DVD & SAT keys select the home entertainment device
you wish to control. For example, pressing the TV key allows the
remote to control the functions of your television, etc.
4 Mode Indicator LED’s:
During the use of your ONE FOR ALL 4, these LED’s will indicate the
mode you’re using. For example when you are controlling your DVD
player, the LED on the DVD key will flash red.
Number Keys:
The Number keys (0-9, -/--(10), AV (20)) provide the functions just like
your original remote, such as the direct access to programme/channel
selection. If your original remote uses a 10 key, this function can be
found by pressing the -/-- key. If your original remote uses a 20 key,
this function can be found by pressing the AV key.
5 Menu Key:
Controls the same function as it did on your original remote control.
6 Magic Key:
The Magic key is used to set-up your ONE FOR ALL 4 Remote Control
and to access special functions.
7 Exit Key:
The Exit key will exit the Menu.
8 Menu Navigator:
The Menu Navigator is a miniature joystick. The movement of the
navigator up, down, left and right operates the same functions as the
up, down, left and right keys of your original remote. By pressing the
Menu Navigator, it will operate the same function as the OK/Select
key on your original remote control. These keys will allow you to
navigate up, down, left and right through the menu of your device.
Please note: the Menu Navigator Joystick is not guaranteed
against abusive use such as in on-line gaming now offered
by Satellite/Cable Service Providers.
Features and Functions
Important notes:
- In order to avoid having to re-program your ONE FOR ALL 4 after
you remove the batteries, you will need to insert new batteries
within 5 minutes. Also it is recommended that you do not use
rechargeable batteries.
- On the inside of the battery compartment door you will find a
label on which to write your Set-Up Codes for future reference.
This you will do after setting up your ONE FOR ALL 4 remote for
your devices.

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