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Key Charts (Continued)
Press PIP once to view or turn off the
picture-in-picture feature.
Press SWAP once to exchange the PIP
with the main TV picture.
Use MOVE to the picture-in-picture
position on the TV screen.
Press SLEEP once to enable (or disable)
a selected component’s sleep timer
(if available).
Use DISPLAY to view a selected
component’s information on the TV.
Use the keypad (0 ~ 9) to directly select
channels (e.g.,09 or 31).
Press ENTER once after entering
channel numbers on some TV
Press PREV.CH once to recall the
last-viewed channel.
Use V.CONFIG to custom program and
recall video configuration modes for
home theater use.Also see page 32.
In the TV,DVD,or VCR mode,use the
PAUSE keys to control your VCR or DVD
(or LD) player.To record a program on,
the VCR, press REC twice.
1. On the back of the remote control, press the
recess and slide the battery cover off (see above).
2. Obtain two (2) fully-charged AA alkaline
batteries.Match the + and – marks on the
batteries to the + and – marks in the battery
case,then insert the new batteries.
3. Align the cover keys with the case openings
and slide the cover on until it locks.
4. Test the unit by pressing POWER and any mode
key (e.g.TV,DVD,VCR,or CBL/SAT).If batteries
are inserted correctly,the LED will blink once.
NOTE:When batteries need replacement,the One For All
4-Device Video Expert remote control will cease to operate.Simply
replace the batteries and the unit will be restored to its full func-
tionality,complete with your favorite settings.

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