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8 MUTE Key
The Mute key operates the same function it did on your orginal
remote control. Also, if your original remote control required that
you press an OK or ENTER key during Menu operation, the
Mute key can be used for this function.
9 Volume +/- Keys
These keys operate in the same way as the keys on your original
remote. If available on your original remote, these keys will allow
you to navigate through the menu.
10 Video Recorder Keys
After pressing the VCR key, the Video Recorder keys operate the
functions of your Video Recorder. To prevent accidental recording,
the Record key must be pressed twice to start recording.
11 Teletext and Fastext Keys
After pressing the TV key, the top row of the VCR keys is used to
operate the main Teletext functions. The symbols below the keys are
for Teletext. The text keys are used to access the Teletext functions
of your television. Of course, your television must have Teletext
TEXT ON: Puts the television in the Teletext mode.
TEXT OFF: Switches the television back to regular viewing mode. On
some televisions, this may be done by pressing the TEXT ON key
several times.
HOLD/STOP: Stops changing pages.
EXPAND: Shows the top half of the Teletext page in larger letters.
By pressing again, you can see the bottom half of the Teletext page
enlarged. To return to regular Teletext viewing, press the EXPAND
key again, or press the TEXT ON key, depending on your television.
After pressing the TV key and accessing the text mode, the bottom row of
the Video Recorder keys marked
red, green, yellow and blue, allow you
to access the Fastext functions of your television. If on your original
remote control these keys are used for Menu navigation, the ONE
FOR ALL Fastext keys may operate in the same way.
Important note: For a more detailed explanation of Teletext and Fastext,
please refer to the manual of your television. Remember, different televisions
control Teletext and Fastext features in different ways. Not all of the Teletext
functions may be available for your particular model.
ecoline 2_Rubber zonder grieks 07-12-2005 17:06 Pagina 5

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