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About Your KAMELEON 10
Easy to use unique EL display
By choosing the ONE FOR ALL KAMELEON 10 universal remote control you have
opted for easy use. Your
KAMELEON 10 features a unique, user-friendly backlit
display, which ensures you have easy access to all the keys you need, whilst
hiding those you dont. Made of the strictest quality, it will provide long-term
satisfaction. After replacing batteries, you will need to first press any key before
the screen will light up. From then on, the display will automatically illuminate
whenever the remote is picked up (touching screen and remote simultaneously).
It is also possible to change the activation-mode into activation by key press. To
set the EL display to activation by key press, see page 4, section: EL screen
activation setting. Also, this product comes with a built-in light sensor which will
increase the brightness in a bright environment and decrease the brightness in a
dark environment.
Controls up to 10 devices
Your KAMELEON 10 is designed to let you use one remote to operate your Video
and Audio equipment; any device designed to be operated by an infrared signal.
KAMELEON 10 comes with 2 IR (infra-red) wide range transmitters for
maximum range and is High Frequency capable up to 450 kHz. You can choose
any combination of 10 devices you would like to operate (see page 7 for more
Learning feature
The KAMELEON 10 comes equipped with the unique learning feature, which
means that you can copy almost any function (max. ± 30) from your original
(working) remote control onto your new KAMELEON 10 (See Learning Feature
on page 15). This comes in handy, when after having setup your KAMELEON 10
you may find that some functions from your original remote are missing on your
KAMELEON 10 keypad.
Macros (sequence of commands)
Your KAMELEON 10 comes with an easy-to-use Macro feature, allowing you to
send several commands with the press of a single key (for example turning a few
devices on or off). You can use the custom keys (A, B, C) for this feature. Once
you programmed a macro on one of these keys, the sequence will be performed
in every mode.
Code upgrade technology
Your ONE FOR ALL KAMELEON 10 also offers a Code upgrade technology. This
technology gives you the possibility to add codes to the memory. If your
device uses a particular code which is not found in the KAMELEON 10 memory
(using the Direct code set up on page 12 or the Search Method on page
13) you may use the Code Upgrade Technology (see page 27). Thanks to this
technology your
KAMELEON 10 will never become obsolete.
Please refer to the URC-8200 manual when using (included) rechargeable
Low Voltage Indicator
As soon as the batteries run out of power, the KAMELEON 10 will indicate this.
The IR indicator will flash 5 times whenever you press a key. Please make sure to
place the KAMELEON 10 in the Recharging Station.
Important: The KAMELEON 10 must only be recharged using the official
ONE FOR ALL Recharging Station (URC 8200). Please do not attempt to use any
other combination of AC/DC adaptor and rechargeable batteries, as this can
result in an explosion. If you do NOT use the Recharging Station, please use
normal AA/LR6 alkaline batteries.

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