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The Keypad
See picture of URC-7780 remote on page 2.
The MAGIC key is used to set up your URC-7780.
The POWER key operates the same function it did on your original
remote control. When pressing MAGIC then POWER you will obtain the
Sleep function. When you press and hold down the MAGIC key the LED
underneath the POWER key will light up twice and you will enter
programming mode.
The LIGHT key lights up the LCD screen and keypad of the URC-7780.
This key will also allow you to return (escape) to the previous screen
within programming mode. If you want to exit programming mode
and return to user mode simply press and hold down the LIGHT key.
4 LCD screen
The URC-7780 can be simply programmed following the indications on
the LCD screen. During set-up the URC-7780 will list the 12 possible
device groups. The currently active device is shown in the middle of the
screen indicated by: .
TV : (T) - Television / LCD / Plasma / Projector / Rear Projector
VCR : (V) - Video Cassette Recorder / TV/VCR Combi / DVD/VCR Combi / PVR
SAT : (S) - Satellite Receiver / Set-Top-Box / DVB-S / DVB-T / Freeview (UK) /
TNT (F) / Digitenne (NL) / SAT/HDD
CBL : (C) - Cable Converter / Set-Top-Box / DVB-C
VAC : (N) - Video Accessory like Media Centres / AV Accessories / AV Selectors
CD : (D) - CD Player / CD-R / MD
PHO : (P) - Phonograph
MIS : (M)- Audio / Miscellaneous Audio
HOM : (H) - Home Automation (e.g. IR controlled curtains / IR controlled light
switches etc.)
AMP : (A) - Audio / Amplifier / Active Speaker System
RCV : (R) - Audio / Audio Receiver/Tuner/Amplifier / (DVD) Home Cinema
CAS : (K) - Cassette Player (Tape Deck)
LDP : (L) - Laser Disc Player / Video CD
DAT : (J) - Digital Audio Tape / DCC
DVD : (Y) - DVD Player / DVD-R / DVD Home Cinema / DVD Combi / DVD/HDD
The type of code is indicated in brackets e.g. (T). When setting up your device a device
code will be displayed as e.g. T0556.
T - indicates the device type (TV code)
0556 indicates a four-digit-code found under Philips.
It is also possible to rename/change a device label using a max of 4 characters
(see page 15).
5 Left / ENTER / Right
These keys allow you to scroll through and confirm your choices in the
remote’s “Programming menu”. When changing the device label you
can scroll through the “alphabet“, “digits” and “special symbols”
(. _ ^<) pressing the ENTER key to select the desired letter, digit or
6 Number Keys (0-9, -/- -, AV)
The Number keys (0-9, -/—, AV) provide functions just like your original
remote, such as direct access to channel selection. If your original
remote uses one/two digit input switching (-/— symbol), this function
can be obtained by pressing the -/— key. If your original remote has a
10 key, this function can also be found under the -/— key. If your
original remote has a 20 key, this function can be found under the AV
key. In Audio (RCV, AMP, MIS) mode the Number keys may provide
source (input) selection.
7 AV key
In TV mode you will obtain the AV / Input function. In VCR mode you
will obtain the “AV” function, if available on your original remote. In
Audio (RCV, AMP, MIS) mode you will obtain the input/source function.
In DVD mode you will obtain the “TV/DVD” function, if available on
your original remote. In SAT mode you will obtain the “TV/SAT or
“TV/DTV” function, if available on your original remote.
8 Channel +/- Keys
These keys operate the same function it did on your original remote
control. In TV mode these keys provide you the Brightness +/- when
pressing MAGIC then CH+/-. In Audio (RCV, AMP, MIS) mode these keys
will provide PRESET Up/Down.
9 MUTE Key
The Mute key operates the same function it did on your original remote
705057_7780_E_10t:12_Device_7780_Euro_10_Talen 07-05-2007 14:20 Pagina 3

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One for All URC-7780 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 55 pagina's

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