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Auto Search - if “Direct Code Set” is NOT successful
max. 20
Problems & Solutions Direct Code Set
Your ONE FOR ALL controls your device but some keys don’t work properly? There may be a better configuration
for your brand. Please repeat the Direct Code Set instructions with the next code listed for your brand.
If still NOT successful? Follow the Auto Search instructions or go to www.simpleset.com
3 sec.
3. Example: How to copy the “I/II (mono/stereo)“ function from your original remote onto the “red key” on your
ONE FOR ALL URC-6430 remote control. Place both remote controls on a flat surface. Make sure that the ends
you normally point at your device are facing each other.
2. Select the device key (e.g. TV) for the device type
you wish to copy.
2 - 5 cm
Original remote
Align both remotes also in height
1. Press and hold “Copy” for 3 seconds.
The LED will blink twice.
2 - 5 cm
First; Press the ”red” key.
the LED will flash rapisly!
then; Press the ”I/II” key.
3 sec.
4. Press and hold the “Copy” key for 3 seconds to exit the
Copy feature. The LED will light up twice. READY!
= Control
= Control
= Control
= Control +
= Control +
CombiControl allows you to to control 2 devices without having to select the corresponding device key. The functio-
nality of the two devices will be logically divided on the ONE FOR ALL keypad. CombiControl requires no additional
set up and will work automatically as soon as you set up at least 2 devices (e.g. a TV and a PVR).
Simply press watch tv (= Setup key)” and the keypad will be configured as follows;
AV, MUTE and VOLUME +/- keys = control your TV.
ALL OTHER available keys = control your PVR.
POWER (pressed for 3 seconds) = will send POWER signal to TV and PVR.
If additionally you also did set up a DVD (or Blu-ray) player on the DVD key; simply press “watch movie (= Copy key)”
and the keypad will be configured as follows;
AV, MUTE and VOLUME +/- keys = control your TV.
ALL OTHER available keys = control your DVD (or Blu-ray) player.
POWER (pressed for 3 seconds) = will send POWER signal to TV and DVD.
New models and even brands are being launched every day. Fortunately your ONE FOR ALL remote can be updated
via the internet, ensuring it will never become obsolete. For access to over 6,000 brands and 300,000 models, please
visit our SimpleSet Online tool at www.simpleset.com
Direct Code Set - if “SimpleSet” is NOT successful
3 sec.
4. Enter the first 4-digit code listed
for your brand (e.g. 0556 for a
Bennett TV). The LED will blink
2. Press and hold the “Setup” key for
3 seconds. The LED will blink
3. Select the device key (e.g. TV) for
the device type you wish to
1. Find the code for your device in the included Code list. Codes are listed by device type and brand name.
The most popular code is listed first. Make sure your device is switched on (not on standby).
5. Now, aim the ONE FOR ALL at
your device and press POWER. If
your device switches OFF it
should be ready to operate your
6. If your device does NOT switch
OFF? Please repeat the Direct
Code Set instructions with the
next code listed for your brand.
Problems & Solutions Auto Search
Your device switched OFF but you still cannot control your device? Switch your device back ON manually (or
using the original remote) and repeat Auto Search making sure to press and release OK as soon as your device swit-
ches OFF.
Your ONE FOR ALL controls your device but some keys don’t work properly? There may be a better configuration
for your brand. Please repeat Auto Search. Auto Search will select the next configuration for your brand. Make sure to
press and release OK as soon as your device switches OFF or go to www.simpleset.com
The Learning feature allows you to Learn (Copy) one or more functions from your original (working) remote control
onto your ONE FOR ALL remote.
• If you want to copy other functions, simply repeat step 3 for each key you want to copy.
• If you get a long blink, please repeat step 3.
You can copy onto every key except the “Copy” key and “Device” keys (you will get a long blink).
How to delete a COPIED function
1) Press and hold “Copy” for 3 seconds. The LED will blink twice.
2) Select corresponding device key.
3) Press the corresponding key (e.g. red key) you wish to delete for 3 seconds until the LED’s blink twice.
4) Press and hold “Copy” for 3 seconds. The LED will blink twice.
3 sec.
2. Press and hold “Setup” for 3 seconds.
The LED will blink twice.
1. Make sure your TV
is switched on.
3. Select the device key (e.g.
TV ) for the device type
you wish to control.
5. Point the remote at your device. Now the remote will send a different
POWER OFF signal (automatically every 3 seconds) going through all the
brands stored in the memory. Press and release OK as soon as your device
switches OFF. READY!
4. Press and release OK.
“watch tv”
“watch movie
= “watch tv” - see CombiControl
= Enter “Setup” mode (when pressed & held for 3 seconds)
= “watch movie - see CombiControl
= Enter “Copy” mode (when pressed & held for 3 seconds)
= SKIP FORWARD (when pressed & held briefly)
= SKIP BACK (when pressed & held briefly)
= In TV Mode, text off
e.g. Bennett TV
Easy_Robust_3_GB-D_RDN-1100712_Opmaak 1 11-07-12 10:01 Pagina 5

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