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Removing condensation from the air tube
If there is moisture remaining in the air tube, be sure to follow the procedure
Make sure that the air tube is connected to the air connector on the compressor.
Remove the air tube from the nebulizer kit or the nasal aspirator.
Turn on the compressor and pump air through the air tube to expel the moisture.
Changing the air filter
If the air filter has changed colour, or has been used for more than
70 applications, replace it with a new one. (see Other
Optional / Replacement Parts).
1. Remove the air filter cover as shown in figure.
2. Remove the old air filter with a sharp object,
such as a toothpick, and insert the new air filter.
3. Put the air filter cover back in place.
Use only OMRON air filters designed for this device. Do not operate without a filter.
Do not attempt to wash or clean the filter. If the air filter becomes wet, replace it.
Damp air filters can cause blockages and may increase risk of infection.
There is no front or back orientation for the air filters.
Check that air filters are clean and free of dust before inserting them.
1. Make sure that the power switch is in the off (
) position.
2. Assemble the nasal aspirator. Make sure that the O-ring is properly
attached. Refer to the drawing “Nasal Aspirator”.
3. Plug the power plug into a power outlet.
4. Connect the air tube to the nasal aspirator and
to the main unit, while twisting the air tube plugs
slightly, push them firmly.
5. Keep your baby in a comfortable position and
make sure that their head is lifted as shown on
the figure to the right.
6. Turn the power switch to the on (
) position.
Place your index finger over the opening on the
nasal aspirator, as shown on the figure to the right
to begin aspiration.
Before using the nasal aspirator, try it on the hand to
see if it sucks. When functioning properly, there must be
a slight suction from the nozzle. If air is exiting from the
nozzle, do not continue using the aspirator.
While using, the aspirator needs be in the upright position, with the finger opening
on top (see figure by above). This prevents the sucked mucus from entering parts
other than the collection chamber.
7. Place the nozzle at the entrance of one of the nostrils of the baby. (do not
insert inside the nostril). Use the aspirator for 3 seconds for 4 times per
8. When treatment is completed, turn the power off and unplug the
compressor from the power outlet.
Disconnect the aspirator from the air tube and disassemble it into 3 parts as
shown in “Know your unit”; clean or disinfect according to the section below.
Cleaning and daily disinfecting
Clean the parts after each use to remove residual medication or mucus.
This will prevent inefficient nebulization or aspiration and reduce the risk of
infection. Do not use a brush or pin to clean.
Washable parts: Nebulizer kit, Baby Mask (PVC), Nasal Aspirator, Mouthpiece
Wash them in warm water and mild, neutral detergent. Rinse them
thoroughly with clean hot tap water, gently tap to remove excess water
and allow to air dry in a clean place. It is advisable to replace the DuoBaby
nebulizer kit or nasal aspirator after some 100 to 120 treatments or after
about 20 boiling cycles.
Non-washable parts: Compressor, Air Tube (PVC)
Firstly, make sure that the power plug is unplugged from the power outlet.
Wipe clean with a soft cloth, moistened with water or mild, neutral detergent.
Air Filter
Do not wash or clean the air filter. Refer to “Changing the air filter” section.
Always disinfect the parts after the last treatment of the day. If the parts
are heavily stained, replace them with new ones. To select a method for
disinfection, refer to the table below.
: applicable
: not applicable
Baby Mask
Air Tube
Air Filter
Mask: PVC
Disinfecting ethanol
Sodium hypochlorite
Quaternary ammonium
Amphoteric Surfactant
* an example of commercially available disinfectant.
Use a commercially available disinfectant. Follow the instructions provided by the
disinfectant manufacturer.
Never clean with benzene, thinner or a flammable chemical.
After having washed the Nebulizer Kit and/or Nasal Aspirator with the available
disinfectant, please rinse with clean warm water and dry thoroughly before using.
Applicable parts may be boiled between 15 to 20 minutes.
After boiling, carefully remove the parts, shake off excess water and allow to air
dry in a clean environment.
Troubleshooting for: main unit, nebulizer kit and nasal
Check the following if the device should fail before or during operation.
Problem Cause Remedy
Nothing happens
when the power
switch is turned.
Is the power plug plugged into
a power outlet?
Check that the plug is inserted in
a power outlet. Unplug then
reinsert the plug if necessary.
No nebulization/
aspiration or low
nebulization, when
the power is on.
Is there sufficient medication
in the medication tank?
(only nebulizer kit)
Add the correct amount of
medication to the medication tank.
Is the vaporizer head missing
or not assembled correctly?
(only nebulizer kit)
Attach the vaporizer head
Is the nebulizer kit or nasal
aspirator assembled correctly?
Assemble the nebulizer kit or
nasal aspirator correctly.
Is the nozzle for the nebulizer
kit or aspirator blocked?
Make sure that the nozzle is free
of blockages, do not pinch the
Is the nebulizer kit or nasal
aspirator tilted at a sharp
Make sure that the nebulizer kit
is tilted at an angle less than
60 degrees, or the aspirator is
Is the air tube connected
Make sure that the air tube is
correctly connected to the
compressor and nebulizer kit or
nasal aspirator.
Is the air tube folded, blocked
or damaged?
Make sure that the air tube
does not contain kinks or is not
damaged or blocked.
Is the air filter dirty? Replace the air filter with a new
The compressor is
abnormally loud.
Is the air filter cover attached
Attach the air filter cover correctly.
The compressor is
very hot.
The compressor is
insufficiently ventilated.
Do not cover the compressor
during use.
Do not block the ventilation slots.
Do not use the device in an
environment with temperatures
higher than 40°C.
The compressor
suddenly stops
during use.
The thermal cut-out has
shut the device down due to
See note below.
Do not attempt to repair the device. Do not open and/or tamper with the device.
No parts of the device are user serviceable. Return the device to an authorized
OMRON retail outlet or distributor.
Technical data
Product Description: Compressor Nebulizer with Nasal
Model (code): DuoBaby (NE-C301-E)
Rating: 230 V ~ 50 Hz
Power Consumption: 140 VA
Operating Temperature/
Humidity/Air Pressure:
+10°C to +40°C / 10% to 95%RH /
690 - 1060 hPa
Storage and Transport
Air Pressure:
-20°C to +70°C / 5% to 95%RH /
690 - 1060 hPa
Weight: Approx. 1.7 kg (compressor only)
Dimensions: Approx. 170 (W) x 280 (D) x 105.5 (H) mm
Compressor, Nebulizer Kit, Air tube,
Mouthpiece, Baby Mask, Nasal Aspirator,
Instruction Manual.
How to use nebulizer kit
1. Make sure that the power switch is in the off (
2. Plug the power plug into a power outlet.
3. Remove the inhalation top from the medication tank.
1) Rotate the inhalation top anti-clockwise
2) Lift the inhalation top out from the medication tank.
4. Add the correct amount of prescribed
medication into the medication tank.
5. Verify the presence of the vaporiser
head inside the medication tank.
6. Choose the appropriate inhalation top by reading the
“User Guidance”.
To put the inhalation top back onto the medication tank.
1) Lower the inhalation top onto the medication tank.
2) Rotate the inhalation top clockwise.
7. Attach the Baby mask
or mouthpiece to the
nebulizer kit tightly.
8. Attach the air tube. While twisting the air
tube plug slightly, push it firmly into the air
tube connector.
9. Hold the nebulizer kit as
indicated on the right. Follow
the instructions of your doctor
or respiratory therapist.
Do not tilt the nebulizer kit at an angle of greater than 60 degrees in all directions.
Medication may flow into the mouth or it may result in ineffective nebulization.
10. Turn the power switch to the on (
) position. As the compressor starts,
nebulization begins and aerosol is generated. Inhale the medication.
Exhale through the nebulizer kit.
11. When treatment is completed, turn the power off and unplug the
compressor from the power outlet.
12. Clean and disinfect all (disassembled) parts according to the “Cleaning
and daily disinfecting” section.
How to use Nasal Aspirator
Dry and very thick mucus inside the nose may be dissolved by saline
solutions. After adding saline solution into each nostril of the baby’s nose
to help loosen nasal secretions, wait a few minutes and then remove the
mucus running out with a tissue. Only after removing the running mucus
outside the nostrils the nasal aspirator may be used.
Medication Tank
Vaporiser Head
Right angle
= Class ll
= Type BF
applied part
Power off
Consult the
instructions for use
IP 21
Power on
Alternating current
Nebulizer Kit
Appropriate Medication
1 ml minimum - 12 ml maximum
Sound: Noise level (at 1 m distance) 63 dB
Upper Airways
Lower Airways
Particle Size (MMAD*): Approx. 9 μm Approx. 4 μm
Nebulization Rate
(by weight loss):
Approx. 0.4 ml/min Approx. 0.2 ml/min
Aerosol Output
(3 ml, 1% NaF):
Approx. 0.54 ml Approx. 0.50 ml
Aerosol Output Rate
(1% NaF):
Approx. 0.16 ml/min Approx. 0.12 ml/min
*MMAD = Mass Median Aerodynamic Diameter
Result of cascade impactor measurements for particle size
Cumulative % particle mass of sodium fluoride undersize
Cumulative Undersize%
Particle Size Dp (μm)
Inhalation Top 2 - Blue Color Lower Airways
Inhalation Top 1 - Green Color Upper Airways
Nasal Aspirator
Suction Pressure: Minimum -0.15 bar - Maximum -0.2 bar
Air Flow: Approx. 4 l/min
Maximum fill volume of
collection chamber: 7 ml
General Notes:
Subject to technical modification without prior notice.
The device may not work if the temperature and voltage conditions are different to
those defined in the specifications.
The device fulfils the provisions of the EC directive 93/42/EEC (Medical Device
Directive) and the European Standard EN13544-1:2007+A1:2009, Respiratory
therapy equipment - Part1: Nebulizing systems and their components.
Performance may vary with drugs such as suspensions or high viscosity. See drug
supplier’s data sheet for further details.
See website of OMRON HEALTHCARE EUROPE for complete up to date information.
URL: www.omron-healthcare.com
Thank you for buying an OMRON product. This product is constructed of high quality
materials and great care has been taken in its manufacturing. It is designed to give
you a high level of comfort, provided that it is properly operated and maintained as
described in the instruction manual.
This product is guaranteed by OMRON for a period of 3 years after the date of
purchase. The proper construction, workmanship and materials of this product is
guaranteed by OMRON. During this period of guarantee OMRON will, without charge
for labour or parts, repair or replace the defect product or any defective parts.
The guarantee does not cover any of the following:
a. Transport costs and risks of transport.
b. Costs for repairs and / or defects resulting from repairs done by unauthorised persons.
c. Periodic check-ups and maintenance.
d. Failure or wear of optional parts or other attachments other than the main device
itself, unless explicitly guaranteed above.
e. Costs arising due to non-acceptance of a claim (those will be charged for).
f. Damages of any kind including personal caused accidentally or from misuse.
Should guarantee service be required please apply to the dealer whom the product
was purchased from or an authorised OMRON distributor. For the address refer to
the product packaging / literature or to your specialised retailer.
If you have difficulties in finding OMRON customer services, contact us for information.
Repair or replacement under the guarantee does not give rise to any extension or
renewal of the guarantee period.
The guarantee will be granted only if the complete product is returned together with the
original invoice / cash ticket issued to the consumer by the retailer. OMRON reserves
the right to refuse the guarantee service if any unclear information has been given.
User Guidance about the Nebulizer Kit
The DuoBaby nebulizer is a medical device that generates an aerosol with adjustable
characteristics to adapt to the patient’s respiratory pathology
Inhalation Top 2 – Blue Color for
Lower Airways: Treats conditions
such as: asthma, bronchitis,
bronchiolitis, bronchiectasis and
Particle size (MMAD) is
approximately 4 μm.
Inhalation Top 1 – Green Color for
Upper Airways: Treats conditions
such as: rhinitis, sinusitis, pharyngitis,
tonsillitis, and laryngitis.
Particle size (MMAD) is
approximately 9 μm.

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