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What are the service intervals?
Like any precision instrument, a watch needs regular servicing to
ensure that it functions perfectly. We cannot indicate the frequency
of such work, since it depends entirely on the model, the climate and
the owner's individual care of the watch. As a general rule, a watch
should be serviced every 4 to 5 years, depending on the conditions
in which it is used.
Who should I contact for a maintenance service or battery
We recommend that you contact an approved OMEGA service centre
or authorised OMEGA retailer. They are equipped with the tools and
apparatus required to carry out the work and the necessary checks
in a professional manner. Furthermore, these entities can guarantee
that their work is carried out in accordance with OMEGA's strict
quality standards.
A worn-out battery should be replaced immediately in order to reduce
the risk of leakage and consequent damage to the movement. The type
of battery is defined on the garantee card enclosed with your watch.
Special recommendations
Environmental protection
Collection and treatment of end of life Quartz watches*
This symbol indicates that this product should not be
disposed with household waste. It has to be returned to a
local authorised collection system. By following this proce-
dure you will contribute to the protection of the environ-
ment and human health. The recycling of the materials will
help to conserve natural resources.
* valid in EU member states and in any countries with corresponding
What must I do to ensure that my OMEGA watch provides
me with excellent service for many years?
Magnetic fields: avoid placing your watch on loudspeakers or refri-
gerators, since they generate powerful magnetic fields.
Swimming in the sea: always rinse your watch with fresh water
Shocks: whether thermal or other, avoid them.
Screw-down crown: screw down the crown carefully to prevent
water from penetrating the mechanism.
Non Screw-down crown: push it back into the neutral position to
prevent water from entering the mechanism.
Cleaning: for metal bracelets and water-resistant cases, use a tooth-
brush with soapy water to clean and a soft cloth for drying.
Chemical products: avoid direct contact with solvents, deter-
gents, perfumes, cosmetics etc., since they may damage the bracelet,
case or gaskets.
Temperature: avoid exposure to extreme temperatures (greater
than 60°C, or 140°F, less than 0°C, or 32°F) or extreme temperature
Water resistance: a watch's water resistance cannot be per-
manently guaranteed. It may be affected by the ageing of gas-
kets or by an accidental shock to the crown. As stipulated in our
service instructions, we recommend you have the water resistance
of your watch checked once a year by an approved OMEGA
service agent.
Chronograph push-pieces: do not operate chronograph pushers
under water in order to prevent water entering the mechanism.
Exception: The Seamaster 300 m and 600 m Chronographs have
pushers which function under water.
Special recommendations
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Andere handleiding(en) van Omega 2300

Omega 2300 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 21 pagina's

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