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OMEG A International Warranty
(Valid for U.S.A. only)
watch is warranted by OMEGA SA* FOR A
OF PURCHASE under the terms and conditions of this warranty. The
international OMEGA warranty covers material and manufacturing
defects existing at the time of delivery of the purchased OMEGA
watch (“defects”). The warranty only comes into force if the
warranty certificate is dated, fully and correctly completed and
stamped by an official OMEGA** dealer (“valid warranty
During the warranty period and by presenting the valid warranty
certificate, you will have the right to have any defect repaired free
of charge. In the event that repairs are unable to restore the normal
conditions of use of your OMEGA watch, OMEGA SA guarantees
its replacement by an OMEGA watch of identical or similar charac-
teristics. The warranty for the replacement watch ends twenty-
four (24) months, thirty-six (36) months for watches with a co-axial
escapement, after the date of purchase of the replaced watch.
This manufacturer’s warranty does not cover:
the life of the battery.
normal wear and tear and ageing (for example scratched crystal;
alteration of the colour and/or material of non metallic straps and
chains, such as leather, textile, rubber).
any damage on any part of the watch resulting from abnormal/
abusive use, lack of care, negligence, accidents (knocks, dents,
crushing, broken crystal, etc.), incorrect use of the watch and non-
observance of the operating instructions provided by OMEGA SA.
the OMEGA watch handled by non-authorized persons (for exam-
ple for battery replacement, service or repair) or which has been
altered in its original condition beyond OMEGA SAs control.
Leather straps
OMEGA recommends that you follow the steps below in order
to preserve the condition of your leather strap for as long as
– avoid contact with water and dampness to prevent discolouration
and deformation.
avoid prolonged exposure to sunlight to prevent the colour from
do not forget that leather is permeable! Therefore avoid contact
with greasy substances and cosmetic products.
– if you have a problem with your leather strap, please contact your
nearest OMEGA retailer!
Anti-refl ective treatment
The anti-reflective treatment on both sides of the sapphire crystal
improves the visibility of your watch’s dial. Wear and tear may cause
marks to appear. These are considered normal and are therefore not
covered by the warranty.
Screw-down crown
Some watches are fitted with a screw-down crown which must be
unscrewed to alter the date and time. After use, push the crown into
position 1 then press and screw the crown back down, failure to screw
the crown down will compromise water resistance.
OMEGA_V12-I.indb Abs1:6-Abs1:7OMEGA_V12-I.indb Abs1:6-Abs1:7 28/12/09 18:30:2128/12/09 18:30:21

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Omega 1866 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 21 pagina's

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