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Batteries should never be exposed to flame, heated, short-circuited or disassembled.
Do not attempt to recharge alkaline, lithium or any other non-rechargeable batteries.
Never use any battery with a torn or cracked outer cover.
Keep batteries out of the reach of children.
If you notice anything unusual when using this product such as abnormal noise, heat,
smoke, or a burning odor:
1 remove the batteries immediately while being careful not to burn yourself, and;
2 call your dealer or local Olympus representative for servicing.
Q1 Nothing happens when a button is pressed.
A1 The HOLD switch may be set to HOLD.
The batteries may be depleted.
The batteries may be inserted incorrectly.
Q2 No sound or quiet sound is heard from the speaker while playing back.
A2 The earphone plug may be plugged into the recorder.
The volume may be set to the minimum level.
Q3 Recording is not possible.
A3 By pressing the STOP button repeatedly while the recorder stops, check if the
display shows:
The remaining recording time in the selected folder may have reached“00:00”.
The number of files is 100.
Check if the display shows “FULL” by pressing the REC button.
Q4 The playback speed is too fast (slow).
A4 The recorder may be set to Fast (slow) Playback.
Recording medium: Built-in flash memory
Overall frequency response: XHQ mode 300 to 7,200 Hz
HQ mode 300 to 7,200 Hz
SQ mode 300 to 5,400 Hz
LP mode 300 to 3,100 Hz
Recording time: VN-4100/VN-4100PC: 256 MB
XHQ mode: Approx. 11 hours 40 minutes
HQ mode: Approx. 23 hours 40 minutes
SP mode: Approx. 47 hours 20 minutes
LP mode: Approx. 144 hours 20 minutes
VN-3100/VN-3100PC: 128 MB
XHQ mode: Approx. 5 hours 40 minutes
HQ mode: Approx. 11 hours 40 minutes
SP mode: Approx. 23 hours 30 minutes
LP mode: Approx. 71 hours 40 minutes
VN-2100/VN-2100PC: 64 MB
XHQ mode: Approx. 2 hours 50 minutes
HQ mode: Approx. 5 hours 50 minutes
SP mode: Approx. 11 hours 40 minutes
LP mode: Approx. 35 hours 50 minutes
VN-1100/VN-1100PC: 32 MB
XHQ mode: Approx. 1 hour 25 minutes
HQ mode: Approx. 2 hours 50 minutes
SP mode: Approx. 5 hours 50 minutes
LP mode: Approx. 17 hours 50 minutes
Microphone: Electret Condenser Microphone (monaural)
Speaker: Built-in ø 28 mm round dynamic speaker
Maximum power: 120 mW
Earphone jack (monaural): ø 3.5 mm diameter, impedance 8
Microphone jack(monaural): ø 3.5 mm diameter, impedance 2 k
Power supply: Two AAA (LR03 or R03) batteries or
Two Ni-MH rechargeable batteries
Continuous battery use time:
Alkaline batteries. 25 hours
Ni-MH rechargeable batteries: Approx. 15 hours
Dimensions: 102(L) × 39 (W) × 19.5 (T) mm
Weight: 63 g (including battery)
Battery life is measured by Olympus. It varies greatly according to the type of batteries
used and the conditions of use.
Your recorded contents are for your personal use or pleasure only. It is prohibited to record
copyrighted material without permission of the copyright holders according to copyright law.
* Specifications and design are subject to change without notice for improvement of performance.
Accessories (Optional)
Ni-MH Rechargeable Battery Charger: BU-400 (Europe only)
Ni-MH Rechargeable Battery: BR401
Connecting cord (Earphone jack Microphone jack): KA333
Noise-Cancellation microphone: ME52
Electret condenser microphone: ME15
Dual monaural earphone: E20
Telephone pickup: TP7
Neck Strap: ST26

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Andere handleiding(en) van Olympus VN 4100 PC

Olympus VN 4100 PC Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 11 pagina's

Olympus VN 4100 PC Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 10 pagina's

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