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Quick Reference CM 721/726 PLUS Cash Register (13)
Olympia 09.2001 Page 8 Rights to make technical changes reserved!
Only carry out the following entries when you are familiar with programming process!
Set the key to position PRG
After pressing the following key combination, the grand total is deleted. It can only be performed when all
Z-reports have been printed out beforehand.
+ Grand Total is deleted
After pressing the following key combination, all the programmed values are deleted and the machine
reset to its “default state”. It can only be performed when all
Z-reports have been printed out beforehand.
+ All programmed values are reset
After pressing the following key combination, the Z counter is deleted.
+ Z counter is deleted
After pressing the following key combination, the training grand total is deleted. It can only be performed
when all Z-reports have been printed out beforehand.
+ Training Grand Total is deleted
After pressing the following key combination, the preset prices are converted to EURO.
It can only be performed when the all Z-reports have been printed out beforehand.
+ Preset price conversion to EURO
Error messages: operation
Error messages appear in the display, and an acoustic signal is issued, as a result of incorrect operation.
Error message is cleared
Error message Cause
Incorrect key/function pressed
Exchange rate not programmed
The total amount is to large, the currency conversion cannot be executed
Currency 3 (currency table) is not programmed, the currency conversion cannot be
Error programming a flag for currencies
Printer malfunction
In the case of a printer error, switch the cash register off immediately and unplug the power connector.
Check that the paper rolls and ink roller are installed correctly, whether the paper or ink roller are damaged or objects
have fallen into the printer mechanism.
Remove them if they have.
Remove any objects extremely carefully. Do not use knives, screwdrivers or similar tools
to help. Never apply force. This may damage the printer mechanism.
Then switch the cash register on again and carry out a complete registration.
If a printer fault occurs again, contact your service center.

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Andere handleiding(en) van Olympia CM 721 plus

Olympia CM 721 plus Snelstart handleiding - Nederlands - 8 pagina's

Olympia CM 721 plus Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 48 pagina's

Olympia CM 721 plus Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 8 pagina's

Olympia CM 721 plus Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 46 pagina's

Olympia CM 721 plus Gebruiksaanwijzing - English - 46 pagina's

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