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BMD 210 Ceiling Motion Detector
Intended Use
The ceiling motion detector, subsequently simply referred
to as the motion detector, detects movements inside the
area being scanned and triggers an acoustic alarm signal
after a short delay. A condition for complying with the
intended use is that the equipment is installed correctly
and the information in the manual is observed and maintained.
Any use other than that described in Section "Intended Use" is considered
unintended use. Unauthorised modifi cations or reconstructions are not
permitted and could cause damage to the motion detector.
Safety Instructions
Avoid any personal injury by paying attention to the following information!
WARNING! Risk of suffocation and damage to health through
Children can swallow small parts, packaging and protective foils.
Keep the product and packaging out of reach of children! Keep
batteries out of reach of children. Do not swallow batteries. If any
type of battery is swallowed, seek medical attention immediately.
CAUTION! Risk of damage to health and environmental pollution
through batteries! Improper handling of batteries can put your
health and the environment at risk. Never open, damage or
swallow batteries or allow them to pollute the environment.
Batteries may contain toxic, ecologically hazardous heavy metals.
CAUTION! Risk of hearing damage. The acoustic warning signal
from the motion detector could damage your hearing. The volume
of the acoustic alarm signal is up to 85 dB. Do not operate or test
the motion detector in the direct vicinity of your ear.
Package Contents
Check the package contents of the motion detector carefully before putting
the motion detector into operation. If anything is missing or damaged, please
contact our Service department.
Ceiling motion detector
2 x remote control incl. batteries (6 x LR44)
Assembly material
Operating manual
General View
The illustrations at the top show the motion detector in detail.
1 Ceiling motion detector
2 Motion sensor
3 Indicator lamp - movement detected (red)
4 Indicator lamp - motion detector activated (green)
5 Loudspeaker
6 Holder for ceiling mounting bracket
7 Battery compartment
8 Infrared sensor
9 Indicator lamp - button pressed
10 Button - activate/deactivate motion detector
11 Key chain (e.g. for a key ring)
12 Screws
13 Plastic strips
Before You Start
The following information should help to ensure that your motion detector
always works as you expect it to.
Do not paint over the motion detector.
Pay attention to the angle of vision of 360° in a scanning area of up to
5 m.
Inserting the Batteries (Motion Detector)
The motion detector is powered by four AA batteries (not included in the
package contents).
1. Open the battery compartment on the
rear side of the motion detector.
2. Insert four appropriate batteries in the
battery compartment. Pay attention that
the batteries are inserted the right way
3. Close the battery compartment on the
rear side of the motion detector.
Changing the Batteries (Remote Control)
The remote controls for the motion detector are powered by three batteries
(LR44 round cell) and are already inserted in the remote controls when
supplied. Before using for the fi rst time, remove the plastic strips from the
remote controls. This establishes contact of the batteries and the remote
control is ready for use. When the batteries are used up, proceed as follows
to change them.
1. Loosen the two screws in the rear cover of the remote control using an
appropriate screwdriver and open the housing carefully.
2. Change the three batteries inserted with three new ones. Pay attention
that the batteries are inserted the right way around.
3. Close the housing on the rear of the remote control and insert and tight-
en the screws in the holes provided using an appropriate screwdriver.
Installing the Motion Detector
Complete a function test before installing the motion detector. To do this,
follow the instructions provided in Section "Using the Motion Detector". As-
semble the motion detector in the area to be scanned as described below.
Use the ceiling mounting bracket supplied for the purpose. Pay attention that
no unwanted movements can occur within the scanning area of the motion
detector (e.g. due to pets) which could trigger false alarms.
1. Use the holes in the ceiling mounting bracket as a drilling template and
drill three suffi ciently large holes in the ceiling.
2. Insert the dowels supplied in the drill holes.
3. Install the ceiling mounting bracket using the screws supplied.
4. Insert the four projections on the motion
detector in the slots provided in the
mounting bracket.
5. Shift the motion detector a little to ensure
that the projections on the motion detec-
tor slide under the recesses in the ceiling
mounting plate. Check that the motion
detector is fi tted securely.
Using the Motion Detector
Activating the Alarm
After you have activated the alarm, you must
leave the area being scanned by the motion detector within 20 seconds.
This prevents the alarm being triggered.
1. Point the remote control towards the motion detector and press the
button on the remote control. The green indicator lamp on the motion
detector lights up.
2. The motion detector is activated, you hear a short acoustic signal and
the green indicator lamp goes out.
In the Event of an Alarm
1. When the motion detector detects a movement, the red indicator lamp
ashes. The acoustic alarm is triggered after a delay of 10 seconds.
2. When the acoustic alarm is triggered, the acoustic alarm sounds for
30 seconds and the red indicator lamp lights up. If the motion detector
continues to detect movements after the 30-second period, an acoustic
alarm signal is issued again.
Deactivating the Alarm
If the alarm is active, it can be deactivated at any time.
Press the button on the remote control to deactivate the alarm and stop
the acoustic alarm signal.
If Standby mode is active, it can be deactivated at any time.
Press the button on the remote control to deactivate the motion detector.
When deactivated, no movements are detected.
In order to dispose of your device, take it to a collection point
provided by your local public waste authorities (e.g. recycling
centre). According to laws on the disposal of electronic and
electrical devices, owners are obliged to dispose of old electronic
and electrical devices in a separate waste container. The symbol
indicates that the device must not be disposed of in normal domestic waste!
Risks to health and the environment from batteries! Never open,
damage or swallow batteries or allow them to pollute the environment. They
may contain toxic, ecologically hazardous heavy metals. You are legally
obliged to dispose of batteries at shops which sell batteries or at collection
points provided by the public waste authorities. Disposal is free of charge.
The symbols indicate that the batteries must not be disposed of in normal
domestic waste and that they must be brought to collection points provided
by local public waste authorities.
Packaging materials must be disposed of according to local
Care Instructions
Clean the surface of the housing with a soft, lint-free cloth. Do not use
any solvents or cleaning agents.
Complete a function test once a month and after changing the batteries.
Change the batteries once a year.
Declaration of Conformity
Conformity of the equipment to the EU directives is confi rmed by
the CE mark. The Declaration of Conformity for this product is
available at www.olympia-vertrieb.de
Dear Customer,
we are pleased that you have chosen this equipment.
In the case of a defect, please return the device together with the receipt
and original packing material to the point-of-sale.
Technical Data
Weight, motion detector
Weight, remote control
Approx. 180 g
Approx. 24 g
Dimensions (W x H x D)
Motion detector
Remote control
130 x 90 x 450 mm
35 x 59 x 17 mm
Power supply
Motion detector
Remote control
4 x batteries, 1.5 V, Mignon cell (AA)
3 x LR44 round cell
ambient conditions
0 °C to +30 °C at
30% to 75% rel. humidity
Scanning area 5 m
Angle of vision 360°
Alarm volume (max.) 85 dB

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