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O2 Tech Reg
Pay special attention to items marked with this Warning
• This Regulator is intended for use by recreational specialty
divers who have successfully completed a nationally recog-
nized specialty training course in scuba diving using breath-
ing gases containing high levels of oxygen by volume. It
must not be used by untrained persons who may not have
knowledge of the potential risks and hazards of scuba diving
using breathing gases containing high levels of oxygen.
• It is NOT intended for use by military and commercial divers.
• This Regulator must be used together with an instrument that
measures and indicates the user's breathing gas supply pres-
• As with all underwater life support equipment, improper use
or misuse of this product can cause serious injury or death.
• Read and understand this owner’s guide completely before
diving with this Regulator. If you do not fully understand
how to use this regulator, or if you have any questions, you
should seek instruction in its use from your Authorized Oce-
anic Dealer before you utilize this product.
• Prior to each dive inspect and test this Regulator for proper
operation. If any part does not function properly, DO NOT
Oceanic promotes responsible diving practices and does not advocate diving
beyond the limits of your training and experience. Oceanic regulator equipment
is designed to offer continued safe and reliable performance in the event the
need arises and the recreational diving limits are exceeded.
This owner’s guide is copyrighted, all rights are reserved. It may not, in whole or in part, be copied, pho-
tocopied, reproduced, translated, or reduced to any electronic medium or machine readable form without
prior consent in writing from Oceanic / 2002 Design.
Oceanic O2 Tech Reg Owner's Guide
Doc. No. 12-2360
© 2002 Design 2002
San Leandro, Ca. USA 94577
Oceanic, the Oceanic logo, O2 Tech Reg, and O24/Alpha 7 are all registered and unregistered trade-
marks of Oceanic. All rights are reserved.
U.S. Patents have been issued to protect the following design features: Orthodontic Mouthpiece (U.S.
Patent No. 4,466,434).
For details, refer to the Product Registration Card provided by your Authorized Oceanic Dealer. For addi-
tional information, visit the Oceanic web site at - http://www.OceanicWorldWide.com

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