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Table of Contents
Introduction / What Is In the Box ....................................................................................... 1
Safety Instructions ...................................................................................................................... 2
Function Overview ...................................................................................................................... 3
Getting Started .........................................................................................................................4-5
a. Charging the Tablet and Keyboard Battery/Battery Care
b. Tablet Power On & Unlock Screen/Tablet Power Off/Standby
Basic Operation................................................................................................................... 6-10
a. Home Screen and Managing Your Apps
b. Screen Orientation
c. Notification Bar
d. Bottom Navigation Bar Overview (Back, Home, Open Apps, Take a Screenshot)
e. On Screen Text Entry
f. Common Finger Gestures (Touch & Hold, Drag, Pinch to Zoom)
Setting Up Your Tablet ....................................................................................................... 11-14
a. Connecting to Wi-Fi
b. Set Date & Time
c. Changing the Wallpaper
Pre-Installed Apps ...............................................................................................................14-20
a. Preloaded Apps (Google Play Store, Playkids, CloudLink, Maxthon, AccuWeather)
b. Cloud Storage (Google Drive, File Locker)
c. Utilities (Calculator, Calendar, Clock, File Manager)
d. Maps
e. Google Now
Multimedia Apps .................................................................................................................20-22
a. Music
b. Video
c. Sound and Voice Recorders
Overview of Features ....................................................................................................... 22-29
a. Front & Rear Cameras f. TF Memory Card Slot
b. Camera Setting/Adjustments g. Connecting External USB Devices
c. Gallery (Photos & Video h. Email Accounts (email, Gmail)
d. HDTV Output i. Transfer Media Files
e. Bluetooth
Settings Menu ........................................................................................................................30-31
a. Wireless Menu (WiFi, Data Usage)
b. Device Menu (Sound, Display, Storage, Battery, Apps)
c. Personal Menu (Location Access, Security)
d. Account Menu (Google, Add Accounts)
e. System Menu (Date & Time, Accessibility, About Tablet)
Specifications ...............................................................................................................................32
Limited Warranty ................................................................................................................ 33-34
NuVision TM1318 User Manual
Thank you for purchasing the NuVision TM1318 13.3” internet tablet with Google Play. It utilizes
touch technology and includes a high definition IPS wide-view panel for an immersive personal
experience. The tablet is the perfect companion for accomplishing everyday tasks, browsing
multimedia entertainment and enhancing productivity while on the go. Features include access
to 25GB of free cloud storage, Bluetooth connectivity, an output to display content on your HDTV,
memory card slot for additional storage of up to 64GB, front & rear cameras, and trial access to
a popular educational and video app for kids in a parent-protected environment. With a sleek
design, and powerful quad-core processor, you’ll enjoy the TM1318 for many years to come.
The following information will help get the most out of your tablet so we strongly recommend
reading it thoroughly.
What is in the Box?
• NuVision TM1318 Tablet
• AC Adapter; Transfer USB Cable
• Quick Start Guide
Customer Support: email cs@nuvision.com or call (800) 890-1288

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Andere handleiding(en) van NuVision TM1318

NuVision TM1318 Aanvulling / aanpassing - English - 1 pagina's

NuVision TM1318 Snelstart handleiding - English - 20 pagina's

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