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NOXON iRadio 400+/460+
If you come across a station you especially like, you can save it by pressing one of the
favourites buttons on the iRadio or the remote control for a longer period. You can recall
saved stations at any time by pressing the corresponding favourites button shortly with-
out taking the detour via the menus.
Prune invalid
If a station name shows a questions mark in front of it, the iRadio cannot receive this sta-
tion anymore. This can be caused by a loss in reception quality or by a restructuring on
the part of the broadcasting companies.
In order to clear the station list of such entries which just make it less well-arranged,
with “Yes”.
Station order
The submenu “Station order” in the “DAB” menu lets you decide whether you would like
to have your stations sorted alphanumerically or by ensembles (these are groups of sev-
eral stations broadcasted together in one ‚package‘).
FM reception
Scan stations
Starting from the main menu, use the navigation wheel to locate the submenu “FM”
features RDS functionality and can therefore display the stations name (if broadcasted).
Scan setting
If you press the back button of your iRadio (or the remote) while listening to an FM sta-
stations with a good reception quality.
Audio setting
If your FM reception is rather bad in general, you can use the “Audio setting” submenu
to switch from stereo to mono-only reception. This way you can reduce the noise from a
Manual scan
As an alternative to the automatic scan you can use the Skip Back/Skip Forward buttons
on the iRadio or your remote in order to navigate to a certain frequency and listen to the
station located there.
Time information via DAB, FM or Internet
There is no need to set the integrated clock of the iRadio manually, as many stations
provide an additional time code together with their program. This feature will only work

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Andere handleiding(en) van Noxon iRadio 400 plus

Noxon iRadio 400 plus Snelstart handleiding - Nederlands, Deutsch, English, Français, Italiano, Espanõl - 60 pagina's

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