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Access point (AP): An access point is a network component that WLAN clients (termi-
nal devices) connect to in order to exchange data with the Internet or other clients. It is
identied via its SSID. The NOXON can connect with an AP in order to obtain les from
computers in the local network or audio streams from the Internet.
DHCP: The abbreviation for Dynamic Host Conguration Protocol. This protocol permits
IP addresses and conguration parameters to be allocated to computers dynamically.
DHCP permits the integration of additional network components without conguration.
The NOXON conguration wizard supports DHCP, so no further conguration param-
eters need to be specied.
IEEE 802.11b/g: Industry standards for wireless networks issued by the Institute of Elec-
trical and Electronics Engineers. The “b” signies a maximum data transfer of 11 Mbps,
and “g” 54 Mbps. Our NOXON supports these two standards.
IP (IP address): (Internet Protocol) refers to a common communication protocol for com-
puter networks. Each client has its own IP address consisting of four groups of digits
separated by dots (e.g. IP addresses are allocated automatically when us-
ing DHCP. The IP address can also be entered manually if the NOXON is not congured
via DHCP.
LAN: A LAN (Local Area Network) is a computer network in a limited geographical area
(in general a cable-based network).
MAC address: (Media Access Control address) is the hardware address that serves as a
unique identier for every hardware component in a network. The MAC address is xed
and can not be modied. As the NOXON is a network component, it also has a xed MAC
address. It can be found on the bottom of the device.
Router: A router is a piece of communication hardware that ensures that data packets
sent through a network arrive at the correct destination computer (client). In many cases,
routers interconnect networks such as LANs and WLANs. The NOXON is also a client
that receives data packets in this manner.

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