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The installation comes under the exclusive responsibility of specialists.
The installer is held to respect the legislation and the standards enforce in his home country.
How to stick the gasket
The gasket supplied with the hob avoids all infiltration of liquids in the cabinet.
His installation has to be done carefully, in conformity of the following drawing.
Fitting installing
The cut out sizes are :
The piece of furniture or the support in which the hob is to be fitted, as well as the edges
of furniture, the laminate coatings and the glue used to fix them, must be able to resist
temperatures of up to 100 °C.
The mural rods of edge must be heat-resisting.
The hobs are classified as “Yclass for heat protection. Ideally the hob should be
installed with plenty of space on either side. There may be a wall at the rear and tall units
or a wall at one side. On the other side, however, no unit or divider must stand
higher than the hob.
Ensure that there is a distance of 50 mm between the hob and the wall or sides.
Materials which are often used to make worktops expand on contact with water. To
protect the cut out edge, apply a coat of varnish or special sealant. Particular care must
be given to applying the adhesive joint supplied with the hob to prevent any leakage into
the supporting furniture. This gasket guaranties a correct seal when used in conjunction
with smooth work top surfaces.
Not to install the hob to the top of a not ventilated oven or a dishwasher.
To guarantee under the bottom of the hob casing a space of 20 mm to ensure a good air
circulation of the electronic device.
If a drawer is placed under the work, avoid to put into this drawer flammable objects (for
example: sprays) or not heat-resistant objects.
The safety gap between the hob and the cooker hood placed above must respect the
indications of the hood manufacturer. In case of absence of instructions respect a
distance minimum of 760 mm.
The connection cord should be subjected, after building, with no mechanical constraint,
such for example of the fact of the drawer.
Worktop Cut-out
Glass Cut-out
(if “flush line” integration)
Width Depth Width
370 490 386 526 6 7
Stick the gasket (2) two millimeters from
the external edge of the glass, after
removing the protection sheet (3).

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