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Storage and maintenance.
If no image is visible.
Check that the camera and monitor are turned on.
Check that the link indicator is green. If not, search for the camera again
(see above).
Check that the adapter plugs are all the way in.
If the camera or monitor is running on battery power, use the adapter and
charge the batteries.
Press and release the “Reset” button (use a paperclip or needle)
If you are only receiving sound, check that “Close Video Time” is set to “Never”
and that “Voice Activation” is set to “Off”. You can also select “Restore settings”
in the menu (in settings).
If “Searching” is shown in the display, read the “Search Child” chapter above.
If reception is poor or the image freezes.
If there is a microwave oven between the camera and monitor, make sure it is
turned off.
Move the camera or monitor away from wireless routers or computer
Try moving the camera and monitor closer to each other. (The range is up to
300m if there is clear line of sight between the equipment, depending on local
conditions). The range is considerably reduced by physical obstacles between
the units.
Make sure that the equipment and accessories are out of the reach of children.
Avoid touching the lens. Fingerprints or dirt on the lens surface will result in
poor image quality.
If the lens gets dirty, try blowing off the dust or dirt, or wipe carefully with a soft
dry cloth.
Ensure the equipment is not exposed to moisture. Moisture may result in
corrosion of the electronic circuits.
Do not use the equipment in dirty or dusty environments.
Do not use or store the equipment in hot conditions. Raised temperatures
reduce the life of the electronics and can cause deformed or melted plastic.
Do not store the equipment in very cold conditions. This could cause
condensation when they return to normal temperatures. Condensation
can damage the circuit boards.
Do not attempt to open the equipment. All repairs must be carried out by
professionals or the warranty will be voided.
Avoid dropping the equipment or exposing it to severe jolts.
Only use the included AC power adapters. Otherwise the equipment may be
VisionNova 5 2009:Layout 1 30-10-09 14:25 Side 7

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Andere handleiding(en) van Nova VisionNOVA

Nova VisionNOVA Gebruiksaanwijzing - English - 5 pagina's

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