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• Make sure the camera and the monitor are within range of each other
(range of approximately 150 meters in a clear line of sight).
• Keep all parts and accessories out of young children's reach.
• Fingerprints or dirt on the lens surface can adversely affect camera
performances. Avoid touching the lens surface with your fingers.
• Should the lens become dirty, use a blower to blow off dirt and dust, or a soft,
dry cloth to wipe off the lens.
• Keep the camera dry. Precipitation, humidity, and other liquids contain minerals
will corrode electronic circuits.
• Do not use or store in dusty, dirty areas.
• Do not store in hot areas. High temperatures can shorten the life of electronic
devices and warp or melt certain plastics.
• Do not store in very cold areas. When the system warms up (to its normal
temperature), moisture can form inside the case, which may damage electronic
circuit boards.
• Do not attempt to open the case. Non-expert handling of the device may
damage the system.
Avoid dropping or strong shocks.
• Operate this product using only with the power supply included or provided as
an accessory.
• Do remember that you are using public airwaves when you use the system
and that sound and video may be broadcast to other 2.4 GHz receiving
• Conversations, even from rooms near the camera, may be broadcast.
To protect the privacy of your home, always turn the camera off when not
in use.
The warranty is for two years from the date of purchase. It becomes void if the
devices are opened or if repair attempts have been made by non-approved
personnel. Repairs must always be done at an ESD-secure workplace. The
warranty does not cover batteries, since their life depends on how they are used.
Physical damage to belt attachment, camera foot ball joint, other breakages in
plastic housings/attachments or the display are not covered by the warranty
since they are only due to careless handling.
If you wish to make a complaint about the product, please send a detailed
description of the fault, together with the copy of the purchase receipt. By
providing a complete description you ensure that you will receive professional
service and will be just as satisfied with NOVA quality products as thousands of
other users throughout Europe.

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Andere handleiding(en) van Nova Vision

Nova Vision Gebruiksaanwijzing - English - 6 pagina's

Nova Vision Gebruiksaanwijzing - English - 5 pagina's

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