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If you do not receive any signal at all
Check that both the camera and the monitor are switched on
Check that power cables are firmly plugged in
Check that the camera and monitor are tuned to the same channel
If the camera and/or the monitor are running on batteries, replace the
batteries or use the power adapter
If the signal is poor or there is interference
Check that the channel switches on the camera and the monitor are
set to the same channel.
If a wireless computer network is in operation near you, switch to
another channel or turn off the network if necessary. Alternatively, set
the network to channel 1 and VisionNOVA to channel 3.
If a microwave oven is used between the camera and the monitor,
move the microwave oven or turn it off.
Check that the camera and the monitor are within range of each other.
The range is up to 100 metres (open air). This depends on local
conditions. The range is significantly reduced inside because walls,
roofs, large objects and glass limit the range. The picture quality will
give you a good indication of reception conditions.
Weak batteries will cause interference and reduce the range
In the 2.4GHz frequency band many types of radio traffic are
permitted. Normally this may cause obtrusive interference. With
NOVA's unique alarm function you avoid the noise and poor image
quality, but you will still be alerted when your child wakes up.
Store all parts and accessories out of reach of children.
Only use the supplied power adapters for the respective unit.
Do not shake or knock the units.
Do not use in dirty or dusty environments.
Fingerprints or dirt on the lens surface may detrimentally affect the
camera performance. Do not touch the lens.
f the lens is dirty, use a lens brush or a soft dry cloth to clean.
Keep in a dry place. Precipitation, humidity and liquids may contain
minerals that corrode electronic circuits.
Avoid storing in a hot room. High temperatures may damage the
contact between the electronic components and the monitor screen,
shorten the life of electronic equipment and warp or melt some plastics.
Avoid storing in a cold place. When the units then warm up to their
normal working temperature condensation may form inside, which may
damage the electronic components.
Bear in mind that public radio frequencies are being used when the
units are functioning and that the sound and the pictures may be picked
up by other equipment on the 2.4 GHz band. Conversations, even from
a room close to the camera, may be captured by others. Always turn off
the camera when not in use in order to protect your private life.
The guarantee lapses if the units have been opened. Unskilled handling
may damage the equipment. Any repairs must only be carried out at an
ESD secure workstation to avoid damage from static electricity. The
guarantee does not include the battery because its life span depends on
use. If you wish to lodge a complaint against the product, a copy of the
receipt must be attached together with a detailed description of the
defect. If you supply a complete description of the defect you are ensured
the best service and you will be just as happy with your NOVA quality
product like thousands of others in Europe.

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Andere handleiding(en) van Nova Vision

Nova Vision Gebruiksaanwijzing - English - 6 pagina's

Nova Vision Gebruiksaanwijzing - English - 10 pagina's

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