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Note: If the battery symbol blinks in one unit and you hear an alarm every 5 –10
seconds, this means the battery must be recharged to continue operation. T
parent unit also gives a signal to indicate a weak baby unit battery but the
sound is softer. The battery symbol then blinks only on the baby unit.
1. The baby unit and parent unit must be set to the same channel, A or B.
If the units do not display the same channel, the channel on one of the units
must be switched. Press the M key (menu) and the channel indicator will
blink. Switch channels using the
key, then press the M key again to
store your programming.
Note: Changed settings will be stored when the unit is turned off. If the unit
signals a weak battery, changes will not be stored.
2. T
he digital code must be the same for the baby unit and the parent unit,
1 – 15.
If not, switch codes on one of the units. This unit must then first be turned
off. Then press the M key, and while depressing it turn on the unit by press-
ing and releasing the On/Off button. The digital code number will then blink.
Then release the M key. Change the code using the
keys (1 to 15).
Then press the M key to store the code. If the M key is not pressed, the unit
will automatically return to the original coding after 10 seconds.
Note: Code 0 should only be used if extra long range is required, but it does
not offer as good protection against interference as digital codes 1-15.
3. T
hen test the set by whistling into the baby unit and check that it can be
heard in the parent unit.
If no sound can be heard, check whether the parent unit displays the speak-
er symbol (no symbol = speaker and red light diodes (B9) are switched off).
If the symbol is not displayed or you want to adjust the volume, this is done
by simply pressing the
key several times.
The red light diodes give you the option of visually monitoring the sound
level, regardless the volume setting, for example if you do not want to
disturb others or are in noisy surroundings.
4. Place the baby unit vertically close to the child, minimum 1- 1.5 m
The telescopic antenna must always be fully pulled out to ensure that the
parent unit is reached.
5. Place the par
ent unit vertically close to where you are.
Pull out the telescopic antenna if necessary.
6. Adjustable sensitivity on the baby unit's micr
Press the S key (sensitivity) on the baby unit and the ear symbol will blink.
Use the
keys to select high (two ear symbols) or low (one ear symbol)
Press the S key to store the setting. Low sensitivity is recommended to
avoid interference from traffic (time-limited interference from another baby
7. When the baby unit is out of r
ange, the parent unit emits an alarm.
This is due to safety considerations, because walls, particularly concrete
walls and roofs, may significantly reduce the range.
Metal plates (cars, caravans) may prevent signal reception. Placing the baby
and/or parent unit in a different location may help because radio signals are
reflected from objects or persons etc. Therefore, there will be areas where
communication is impossible even across short distances.
Detailed instructions

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