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Nokia 2.4 User Guide
your vehicle is mounted and operating properly. Do not store or carry flammable or explosive
materials in the same compartment as the device, its parts, or accessories. Do not place your
device or accessories in the air bag deployment area.
Switch your device off in potentially explosive environments, such as near petrol or diesel
pumps. Sparks may cause an explosion or fire resulting in injury or death. Note restrictions
in areas with fuel, at chemical plants, or where blasting operations are in progress. Areas
with a potentially explosive environment may not be clearly marked. These are usually areas
where you are advised to switch your engine off, such as below deck on boats, chemical
transfer or storage facilities, and where the air contains chemicals or particles. Check with the
manufacturers of vehicles using liquefied petroleum gas (such as propane or butane) to see if
this device can be safely used in their vicinity.
This mobile device meets guidelines for exposure to radio waves.
Your mobile device is a radio transmitter and receiver. It is designed not to exceed the limits
for exposure to radio waves (radio frequency electromagnetic fields), recommended by
international guidelines from the independent scientific organisation, ICNIRP. These guidelines
incorporate substantial safety margins that are intended to assure the protection of all
persons regardless of age and health. The exposure guidelines are based on the Specific
Absorption Rate (SAR), which is an expression of the amount of radio frequency (RF) power
deposited in the head or body when the device is transmitting. The ICNIRP SAR limit for mobile
devices is 2.0 W/kg averaged over 10 grams of tissue.
SAR tests are carried out with the device in standard operating positions, transmitting at its
highest certified power level, in all its frequency bands.
Please refer to www.nokia.com/phones/sar for the maximum SAR value of the device.
This device meets RF exposure guidelines when used against the head or when positioned at
least inches (1.5 centimetres) away from the body. When a carry case, belt clip, or other
form of device holder is used for body-worn operation, it should not contain metal and should
provide at least the above stated separation distance from the body.
To send data or messages, a good connection to the network is needed. Sending may be
delayed until such a connection is available. Follow the separation distance instructions until
the sending is finished.
During general use, the SAR values are usually well below the values stated above. This is
because, for purposes of system efficiency and to minimise interference on the network, the
operating power of your mobile is automatically decreased when full power is not needed for
the call. The lower the power output, the lower the SAR value.
Device models may have different versions and more than one value. Component and design
changes may occur over time and some changes could affect SAR values.
© 2020 HMD Global Oy. All rights reserved. 45

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Andere handleiding(en) van Nokia TA-1277

Nokia TA-1277 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 51 pagina's

Nokia TA-1277 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 54 pagina's

Nokia TA-1277 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Français - 54 pagina's

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