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9359974_en_3.fh10 27.3.2003 14:34 Page 1
This limited warranty shall apply in part of Nokia Mobile
Phones' Europe & Africa Region unless a local warranty exists.
Nokia Corporation, Nokia Mobile Phones ("Nokia") warrants
that this NOKIA product ("Product") is at the time of its
original purchase free of defects in materials, design and
workmanship subject to the following terms and conditions:
1. This limited warranty is given to the end-purchaser of the
Product ("Customer"). It shall neither exclude nor limit i)
any mandatory statutory rights of the Customer or ii) any
of the Customer's rights against the seller/dealer of the
2. The warranty period is twelve (12) months from the date
on which the first Customer purchased the Product. In
case of a subsequent purchase or other change of
owner/user, such warranty period shall continue for the
remaining part of the twelve (12) month period and
otherwise remain unaffected. This limited warranty is
only valid and enforceable in the following countries:
Bosnia, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, the Czech Republic,
Estonia, any member state of the European Union, Hungary,
Iceland, Israel, Latvia, Lithuania, Macedonia, Malta, Norway,
Poland, Romania, the Slovak Republic, Slovenia and
3. During the warranty period Nokia or its authorized service
company will repair or replace, at Nokia's sole discretion,
a defective Product. Nokia will return the repaired Product
or another Product to the Customer in good working
condition. All parts or other equipment for which
replacements have been provided shall become the
property of Nokia.
4. A repaired or replaced Product will not be given a
prolonged or renewed warranty period.
5. This limited warranty will not cover painted covers or
other similar personalized parts. In all cases that require
unlocking or locking of an operator SIM-lock, Nokia will
first direct the Customer to such operator for unlocking
or locking of the operator SIM-lock before repairing or
replacing the Product.
6. This limited warranty shall not apply to deterioration due
to normal wear and tear. This limited warranty shall
further not apply if:
(i) the defect was caused by the fact that the Product has
been subjected to: use in contradiction with the owner's/user
manual, rough handling, exposure to moisture, dampness
or extreme thermal or environmental conditions or rapid
changes in such conditions, corrosion, oxidation,
unauthorized modifications or connections, unauthorized
opening or repair, repair by use of unauthorized spare parts,
misuse, improper installation, accident, forces of nature,
spillage of food or liquid, influence from chemical products
or other acts beyond the reasonable control of Nokia
(including but not limited to deficiencies in consumable
parts, such as batteries which all by their nature have a
limited lifetime, and breakage or damage to antennas)
unless the defect was caused directly by defects in materials,
design or workmanship;
(ii) Nokia or its authorized service company was not notified
by the Customer of the defect within thirty (30) days after
the appearance of the defect within the warranty period;
(iii) the Product was not returned to Nokia or its authorized
service company within thirty (30) days after the appearance
of the defect within the warranty period;
(iv) the Product serial number, the accessory date code or
the IMEI number has been removed, erased, defaced, altered
or is illegible;
(v) the defect was caused by a defective function of the
cellular network;
(vi) the defect was caused by the fact that the Product was
used with or connected to an accessory not manufactured
and supplied by Nokia or used in other than its intended
(vii) the defect was caused by the fact that the battery was
short-circuited or seals of the battery enclosure or cells were
broken or show evidence of tampering or the battery was
used in equipment other than for which it has been specified;
(viii) the Product software needs to be upgraded due to
changes in cellular network parameters.
7. To claim this limited warranty the Customer shall present
either i) a legible and non-modified original warranty
card which clearly indicates the name and address of the
seller, the date and place of purchase, the product type
and the IMEI or other serial number or alternatively ii) a
legible and non-modified original purchase receipt which
contains the same information, if such purchase receipt
is presented to the seller/dealer of the Product.
8. This limited warranty is the Customer's sole and exclusive
remedy against Nokia and Nokia's sole and exclusive
liability against the Customer for defects or malfunctions
of the Product. This limited warranty replaces all other
warranties and liabilities, whether oral, written, (non-
mandatory) statutory, contractual, in tort or otherwise.
Nokia is in no event liable for any incidental, consequential
or indirect damage, costs or expenses. Neither is Nokia in
any event liable for any direct damage, costs or expenses,
if the Customer is a legal person.
9. Any change or amendment to this limited warranty
requires Nokia's prior written consent.

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Andere handleiding(en) van Nokia 2300

Nokia 2300 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 74 pagina's

Nokia 2300 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 77 pagina's

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